Liberty Christian University Now Hiring Open Homosexuals

liberty-christian-university-now-hiring-open-homosexuals-lgbt-gay-marriage-pride-geoffrey-goldbergNow the End Begins

LYNCHBURG, Va. – Liberty University, which is considered the world’s largest Christian university, has hired an open homosexual advocate to choreograph its upcoming Broadway-style presentation of Mary Poppins.

The university recently published an article regarding the production, which it celebrates as being the school’s “largest to date.” The article notes that Alluvion Stage Company, an arm of the university’s Department of Theater Arts, “has hired a guest music director, a flight director, and a Broadway choreographer” to assist with the presentation.  

“We are very excited to have all of these guest artists join us … They bring a whole new level of excellence,” stated artistic director Linda Nell Cooper. “Our goal with Alluvion is for every show to raise the bar somehow; they have helped us to do that.”

The selected choreographer is Geoffrey Goldberg, a New York City-based artist who has been involved with professional theater for over a decade, and traveled the country for five years assisting with the production of Mary Poppins, among others.

Goldberg’s social media pages also indicate his support and advocacy for the homosexual agenda, posting “Happy pride, everyone” in June of last year, which was designated as Homosexual Pride Month by Barack Obama. Goldberg is also a member of the Facebook group Marriage Equality New York.

Goldberg’s Pinterest page likewise features a board dedicated to weddings, which includes pins for “gay wedding cake toppers,” “custom modern groom invitations for gay weddings or same-sex ceremonies” and a “gay wedding cake” with rainbow stripes.

Director Linda Nell Cooper told Christian News Network that Alluvian/Liberty University was not aware of Goldberg’s beliefs about homosexuality, but stated that one’s “personal life” is not a factor in the hiring process.

“He was hired based on his professionalism and his talent like everyone else,” Cooper explained. “It never came up in the conversation, nor would it have. … We do not ask about their personal life.” “We work under professional guidelines. No one knows anything about anyone’s personal lives,” she reiterated. source – Christian News

2 thoughts on “Liberty Christian University Now Hiring Open Homosexuals

  1. As stated,they hired him for his background/expertise in theater,why is this even a article/issue?!As a pro am sure will keep his personal social agenda off the stage unless the show he is hired to do includes his personal views which in this case doesn’t.I hope they have a good showing of Poppins,but really,in this case,unless involved with the show/university/theater goer WHO THE F$%K CARES!

  2. For decades, Liberty University has hired only faculty members who affirm the university’s doctrinal statement. The choreographer in question is an independent contractor supplied to the university through a third party association who has never applied for employment at Liberty University and has never been an employee of Liberty. Liberty has never required vendors who provide goods and services to the university to adhere to the university’s doctrinal beliefs. To the extent Mrs. Linda Cooper was referring to independent contractors when she said the university never inquires about beliefs or personal lives in hiring, she was correct. For example, Liberty has hundreds of construction workers on campus right now and has no idea whether any of them share the same faith. Liberty has no plans to ever deviate from any of its longstanding policies and procedures for hiring. It will continue to interview prospective faculty and staff regarding their doctrinal beliefs and practices. We understand the contractor in question had a wonderful time visiting Liberty University, and found our Christian university to be a welcoming place despite our different beliefs.

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