Lindsey Graham on Gun Confiscation Laws: ‘Every Right Has Limits’

Breitbart – by AWR Hawkins

During Tuesday’s hearing on confiscatory red flag laws, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-SC) said, “every right has limits.”

Graham supports red flag laws, and in early March, he told CNN the confiscatory laws represent a place Republicans and Democrats can “come together” on gun control. Ironically, Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) was able to use the hearing as a venue in which to promote her “Extreme Risk Protection Order of 2019.”

Breitbart News reported that Feinstein’s bill seeks to encourage more states to adopt Extreme Risk Protection Orders, i.e., red flag laws, which allow for the issuance of court orders to confiscate firearms.

On Monday, Feinstein boasted about the fact that the Senate Judiciary Committee would be hearing her gun control push. She tweeted, “Tomorrow, the Senate Judiciary Committee will hold a hearing on these laws and my bill. This is a commonsense measure that would help keep guns out of the hands of those who would harm themselves or others.”

During the hearing, Feinstein pointed out that Florida adopted a red flag law after the February 14, 2018, Parkland high school shooting. She praised the fact that Florida officials moved “quickly after Parkland to pass an extreme risk law,” but did not mention glaring examples of the law’s failure. For example, Florida’s red flag law did not prevent the August 26, 2018, Jacksonville Landing shooting (three innocents killed) or the January 23, 2019, the SunTrust Bank shooting (five innocents killed).

Feinstein also lauded California and Illinois for adopting red flag laws, but she did not mention the fact that California’s law did not prevent the November 7, 2018, Borderline Bar & Grill attack (12 innocents killed). She also went without mentioning that Illinois’s red flag law did not prevent the February 15, 2019, Henry Pratt Company Shooting (five innocents killed).

AWR Hawkins is an award-winning Second Amendment columnist for Breitbart News and the writer/curator of Down Range with AWR Hawkins, a weekly newsletter focused on all things Second Amendment, also for Breitbart News. He is the political analyst for Armed American Radio. Follow him on Twitter: @AWRHawkins. Reach him directly at Sign up to get Down Range at

12 thoughts on “Lindsey Graham on Gun Confiscation Laws: ‘Every Right Has Limits’

  1. “Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-SC) said, “every right has limits.””
    “Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-SC) said, “every right has limits.””

  2. “… Lindsey Graham (R-SC) said, “every right has limits.”

    That’s what he SAID.

    Saying something doesn’t make it so, @SSHOLE. In this case (as in most) you’re DEAD F%&KING WRONG! The Bill of Rights says there are no limits to our UNALIENABLE RIGHTS, so no MAGGOT FAGGOT like YOUR fairy @ss can change THAT one single iota.


    ……..(‘(…´…´…. ¯~/’…’)
    ……….”…\………. _.·´

  3. Every right has limits…unless you are criminal psycho elite of course! Folks I would not be surprised if this dude was a human trafficker or pedophile….or blood-drinking Satanist. Have fun having your bones gnawed on as you weep in the “outer darkness.” Repent, or be judged.

    1. “I would not be surprised if this dude was a human trafficker or pedophile….or blood-drinking Satanist.”

  4. Show me Mr Graham
    show me where ,in my Bill of Rights , and Constitution where these “limits” you claim to be …show me bitch!!

    right now! you seditious POS

  5. Ha, Ha… He fkn wishes…

    He, they, them, all hope and pray that Americans will actually believe them when they say it is so…

    Well Homo-boy, Criminal Government and the Criminals who administer Government (On behalf of their Zio Masters) the People will have their Limits with you…and it ends most likely with a rope.

    Yeah, go ahead, laugh …

    Wonder what it feels like to be a limp wristed Self righteous piece of human excrement, who absolutely knows he (SHE) has no intention of being anywhere near any type of attempt to physically enforce these Fascist mandates upon a free people….?

    more importantly, they should think about how it will feel when they are put in a coral, awaiting their turn at the noose….for outright, naked treason, sedition and a myriad of crimes against our bill of rights….

  6. At some point this freak show has to decide what he looks better in, a skirt or a balerina outfit.

  7. It was the word “limits” in the headline that kept getting to me. Then out of the blue I decided that since Henry is not broadcasting today I’d go back to the archives and listen to his coverage of The Bill of Rights and The Common Law. And I decided to listen to each audio working backwards. So imagine my surprise when just the first two sentences jumped out at me:

    It was like that very strange happening that some call synchronicity. Very powerful two sentences on “limits.” Too bad, Lindsey has no ears to hear. Lindsey goin’ down.


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