‘Lone-wolf’ jihadists told to target Queen

Target: Inspire magazine, published in the Arabian Peninsula, lists events attended by the Queen to targetDaily Mail – by MIA DE GRAAF

Al-Qaeda terrorists in Syria have been ordered to target the Queen at British sporting events such as Wimbledon and Cheltenham races.

FA Cup matches are also on the list of recommended events, with ‘martyrdom bombers’ advised to detonate explosives at the final whistle.  

In a series of recommendations published in the terror group’s English-language magazine, jihadists are told to act as a ‘lone wolf’ and use car bombs for ‘killing individuals’.

Target: Inspire magazine, published in the Arabian Peninsula, lists events attended by the Queen to target

Target: Inspire magazine, published in the Arabian Peninsula, lists events attended by the Queen to target

It comes as it is revealed the top five MI5 and MI6 operations involve tracking British terrorists trained in Syria.

More than half the 400 extremists who travelled from the UK to fight in Damascus have returned home, sparking a surge in security measures.

Inspire magazine, published in the Arabian Peninsula, lists Britain as Al Qaeda’s biggest target after America.

It suggests attacks on London’s Savoy hotel and French seaside towns popular with UK tourists as places where terrorists can cause ‘maximum carnage’.

‘Hit two birds with one stone; both the English and the French,’ it states, according to the Sunday Times.

Wimbledon is one of the tournaments where jihadists could cause 'maximum carnage', the author claims

Wimbledon is one of the tournaments where jihadists could cause ‘maximum carnage’, the author claims

Specific advice tells readers to detonate bombs at tournaments such as the FA Cup final on the final whistle

Specific advice tells readers to detonate bombs at tournaments such as the FA Cup final on the final whistle

‘In the beginning of summer we have Cheltenham, and [at] the end of summer we have Epsom, whereby horse races are attended by thousands from around the kingdom including the Queen.’

The author, named as AQ Chef, adds: ‘You have soccer stadiums, especially during Premier League and FA Cup matches. They have worldwide live [sic] media coverage.

‘The best time is after the final whistle, when huge crowds leave the stadium and celebrate around the entrances.’

The twelfth issue of the magazine, published on March 14, encourages readers to build their own car bomb – which it provides instructions of how to do – and detonate it outside the hotel.

The magazine published by Al Qaeda names Britain as the group's main target after America

The magazine published by Al Qaeda names Britain as the group’s main target after America

It suggests carrying out the attack at 10pm when, it says, ‘high profile targets’ will be exiting.

According to the article, this is ‘a perfect place and time to detonate your car bomb.’

Home Office minister James Brokenshire told the Sun plots by British jihadists like these are a ‘significant and growing proportion of the security services’ work’.

Last year, 24 people were arrested in connection with Syrian terror; this year there have been 20.

Ten charities linked to Syria are also under surveillance after it emerged the head of a Midlands coach firm, Adeel Ali, was pictured with an AK47.

A spokesman for the Metropolitan Police said counter-terrorism officers monitor the magazine closely but would not release details of any additional security measures.

He said: ‘The MPS Counter Terrorism Command is aware of the website and appropriate steps have been put in place.

‘As part of our continued work, we regularly work with, and support, industry and crowded places with a variety of briefings and advice.’

Both the Savoy and the company that manages it, Fairmont Hotels and Resorts, were contacted but no one was available for comment.

Suggestions for attacks include Bastille Military Day Parade and the Louvre art gallery, both in Paris, Sears Tower in Chicago and popular holiday destinations for western tourists, such as the Dordogne.

The magazine carries an article about Al-Qaeda cleric Anwar al-Awlaki, who was killed in a US drone strike in 2011. In the piece, al-Awlaki is quoted justifying the killing of civilians by saying: ‘Soldiers are expected to die… But a civilian is not. So when you you hit the civilian you hit them where it hurts and that is what our tactics are about.’

As well as these sort of instructions, the magazine contains practical advice on how to carry out an attack.

The Dordogne in France is listed as it is popular with British tourists
London's Savoy hotel is another target

The Dordogne in France is listed as it is popular with British tourists, as is London’s Savoy hotel

The article comes as both MI5 and MI6 angle their top five operations to focus on Syria-trained British jihadists - 250 of whom have returned home. This image emerged this week of a UK attacker calling for people to join him

The article comes as both MI5 and MI6 angle their top five operations to focus on Syria-trained British jihadists – 250 of whom have returned home. This image emerged this week of a UK attacker calling for people to join him

These include methods of making bombs, which it claims can be made with easily accessible items and are simple enough to be followed ‘in the kitchen of your mom.’

The magazine’s letter from the editor mocks the American government for failing to be able to ‘protect its citizen from pressure cooker bombs in backpacks,’ a reference to the attack on the Boston marathon in April 2013.

It goes on to ask: ‘I wonder if they are ready to stop car bombs.’

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2587196/Jihadists-told-target-Queen-high-profile-sporting-events-series-lone-wolf-attacks-including-Wimbledon-FA-Cup-matches.html#ixzz2wp4HPJw1
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6 thoughts on “‘Lone-wolf’ jihadists told to target Queen

  1. she along with the pope have been served papers big news coming soon. more at ITCCS.org- probably trying to stage her exit!~!!!

    1. I too can hardly wait for the “good news” coming soon. Been following ITCCS.org for awhile now. Glad to see we are on the same page Tina. I agree about how a staged exit plan may be in the works.

      Isn’t it ironic how Al-Qaeda are CIA funded? The fun never stops.
      . . .

  2. I guess, now that “they’ve” told us what we can expect, something will be happening, soon?

    Never did like the Queen Bitch and her den of Vampires.

    But we all know this is simply a ploy by those running the show to continue to tighten up the screws on civil liberties.

    1. yeah — and I think it’s hysterical that the C.I.A. is now publishing an “Al Qaeda magazine”. Maybe it’ll be near the supermarket check-out line next to Oprah’s.

      There’s no word on who the “terrorist” in the photo is, but my guess is that he’s wearing a hood to hide his blonde hair.

      But I’d love to see the Queen get blown up, so on with the show, boys.

  3. I’ve got news for the Syrian suicide bomber. If he waits until the final whistle of a soccer game to blow the Queen Bee up he will be disappointed because nobody stays to the end of those boring 1 to 0 soccer games.

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