Look At Thomas Jefferson’s ‘Assault Rifle’ with High Capacity Magazines

Girandoni Air RifleAmmoLand

Florida –-(Ammoland.com)- If you ever hear a gun control advocate say that the Founding Fathers could never have imagined and would not have allowed possession of “assault weapons” under the Second Amendment, tell them they don’t know much about American history.

The Founding Fathers not only knew about assault weapons, some owned them. Thomas Jefferson bought assault weapons and sent them on the Lewis and Clark expedition.  

In fact, these assault weapons were .46 caliber, military, magazine fed, rifles with high capacity magazines capable of firing 22 shots in 60 seconds.

They even came with four, 22 round speedloaders.

The Founding Fathers not only knew about assault weapons, they did not exclude them from the Second Amendment.

Read the article and watch the short video below for a demonstration of  Thomas Jefferson’s “Assault Rilfe”

One of the assault rifles that went on the Lewis and Clark expedition is owned by and is on display at the NRA’s National Firearms Museum in Fairfax, Virginia.  View it here:  NRA’s Lewis & Clark Assault Rifle

Read more: http://www.ammoland.com/2014/06/look-at-thomas-jeffersons-assault-rifle/#ixzz34qVpZufP
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3 thoughts on “Look At Thomas Jefferson’s ‘Assault Rifle’ with High Capacity Magazines

  1. I dont own any Assault Weapons
    all of mine are Defense Weapons

    besides , no average gun owner has any Assault AKA Full Auto weapons
    and if he does , chances are hes paid way too much to own it and keep it registered to be stupid enough to blow his cover with it

    really getting sick of the use of mis used naming of weapons, the stupid unwashed and sandy cranium bunch just arnt smart enough to figure it out, i know thats what the establishment wants , but dam

  2. My weapons are only assault weapons when they need to be. If they make me use them to assault, i will. If not they are just weapons. I will use them as needed. 🙂

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