‘MAGA May Day’ Freedom Rallies Planned Across America to Protest Lockdowns

Breitbart – by Hannah Bleau

“MAGA May Day” freedom rallies are slated to pop up across America Friday, May 1, aimed to send a message to “local and state government tyrants” that it is time to safely and responsibly reopen the country.

The “drive-in” rallies for freedom encourage participants to head to their state capitol or local government building to protest the nationwide lockdowns and demand independence from China, not allowing the country to “control trade, supply chains, or anything else that affects the daily life, health, happiness of American citizens.”

A schedule shows events slated to pop up in Honolulu, Hawaii; Phoenix, Arizona; Northampton, Massachusetts; Los Angeles, California; Huntington Beach, California; San Diego, California; San Francisco, California; Ventura, California; Louisville, Kentucky; Salem, Oregon; Chicago, Illinois; Springfield, Illinois; Atlanta, Georgia; Morehead City, North Carolina; Smithfield, North Carolina; Brookfield, Wisconsin; Carson City, Nevada; Boise, Idaho; and Limerick, Pennsylvania.

“It shouldn’t need to be said that the US Constitution will not be infringed upon, but it is under attack by local and state government tyrants across the country,” the event’s page reads:

In some states, many elected officials have taken this opportunity to infringe upon many basic rights of its citizens. Some with restrictions on what can be purchased. Others with an outright assault on the rights of citizens within their states through legislation passed during the shutdown. Our First and Second Amendment rights are what protect the rest and WE THE PEOPLE will not sit idly by and allow the US constitution to be trampled by a government or a social media platforms. The Founding Fathers didn’t include a “in case of Virus” clause in the Constitution that justified throwing our inalienable rights away by elected officials or bureaucrats. Freedom of speech and the right to peacefully assemble are our God given rights and are not to be erased or paused.

Organizers also stress that they are “NOT anti-quarantine” and preemptively debunked the emerging leftist narrative that anti-lockdown protesters believe the virus is a “hoax.”

“This virus is not a hoax. It is very real and we must protect the most vulnerable…health care workers, the elderly, those who are immuno-compromised, and others,” organizers said.

“However, America cannot destroy the lives and dreams of the majority to protect a few. The cure cannot be more dangerous than the disease,” they continued.

“We risk losing who we are as a nation by completely shutting down the country and the economy. Americans are strong, resilient, and independent!” they added.

Users are encouraged to submit information for their own local rallies, and there is an option to donate, with proceeds going to Women for America First.

Citizens across America took to the streets in places like Lansing, Michigan, and Richmond, Virginia, last week to protest the lockdown orders and demand the reopening of their respective states. Some states, like Florida and Texas, are allowing their stay-at-home orders to expire this week.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) announced Monday that the Lone Star State will be moving into the first phase of reopening May 1. Under Phase One, retail stores, restaurants, movie theaters, and malls can reopen under certain restrictions limiting occupancy.

The state will be able to move into Phase Two, which increases occupancy and opens up additional businesses, as early as May 18 if they are able to contain the spread of the virus during the the first phase.


13 thoughts on “‘MAGA May Day’ Freedom Rallies Planned Across America to Protest Lockdowns

  1. Leave it to Breitbart to highlight the true uprising in this manner by focusing on a Trump camp protest. No mention of the true freedom fighters who have no investment in left/right politics. Fk Breitbart.


  2. One should ask – “Planned” by whom? It’s the whole “planning” process & putting out dates ahead of time that I take some issue with. And f**k getting permits or any kind of “permission”! What would work way better is a massive wave of spontaneous NON-PARTISAN protests that spark up everywhere, possibly “organised” by phone or other means just before they happen. That way they can’t be so easily “planned”, organised, steered or taken over by the usual suspects.

    We’ve seen WAY TOO MANY examples of “planned protests” used against us in the past & with these latest “trumptarded” ones I’m definitely noticing that resistance against them & the actors involved is much higher than normal in comments sections all over the place. The hasbarats have been VERY busy stirring shit up!

    While we would love to see real spontaneous protests take off, grow rapidly in momentum & lead quickly to the lethal action required to remove the filthy scum perpetrating this crime of crimes along with all the traitors aiding & abetting them I really hate the way many well-meaning people are being led by the nose into a potentially ugly staged conflict with their fellow Americans at the moment (as well as others across the world who don’t think critically). Now when I say that I’m talking more about all the people just observing what’s going on & commenting on it rather than those actually getting out there to honestly express their free will. If resistance is great you can bet the enemy will work very hard to subvert it & get us fighting each other the way they always have & they will not balk at doing everything they can to spark off a civil war which they will try to use to their advantage – history has shown us this many times. However, while they believe they have complete control over us & the situation at hand, we know that it can flip on them at any time. Now that we are engaged in battle with them, and yes in case some still didn’t notice we have been at war for some time, we have to fight smart! Now I’m sure that’s common knowledge among regulars here & I’m certainly not trying to preach to the converted or anyone else. It’s just my observations as a newbie commenter to your great site & it helps me move forward in some respects sometimes to just spit them out in writing! From my personal experience though, everyday face-to-face interaction with people in my work & elsewhere is where I know we can be very effective in communicating the truth with each other & during this BS “lockdown” is exactly when I’ve been discussing the issues with more people than ever & they have definitely been way more receptive & forthcoming about what’s going on & the REAL j**ish reasons for it. There are WAY more people out there who know what’s really going than the enemy’s controlled media would have the plebs believe. We know it & see it & they damn well know it too which is the very reason they are going all out this time. But this also is why I know these j** mthrfkers are going down for good this time!

    1. I see this conundrum addressed by spreading the word and urging that all protests make The Bill of Rights their primary focus, while qualifying that the protests have nothing to do with left/right. All concerns of anyone who’d be out there on the street would be rectified by The Bill of Rights, right down to the issue of the right to work and earn a living, and the right of freedom-of-movement and assembly. The “enemy” is always going to be out there, subverting true liberty, so it’s on us to keep moving through all that advancing The Bill of Rights as the way out. It has to become more POPULAR than the virus, more urgent than life itself, for without it, we live like the walking dead, fully owned, unfree. It is the banner they most hide, and the one we must carry and wave. Thanks for your comment, SmellTheCoffee; it brought me home to remembering why we fight.


      1. Well said Galen, and thank YOU for adding the most important bit about The Bill of Rights which really should be in big letters on EVERY poster & sign that people carry. Yes, the whole left/right component really needs to be dropped completely from any protest because that is just the enemy’s little trick they use to control the masses. I would love to see massive non-partisan protest aiming at the true targets & under the correct banners! And during those protests wouldn’t it be great to see infiltrators like these trumptard actors, provocateurs & traitor cameramen from jewstream media getting stomped the second they try to jump on board! It can happen!

  3. Good one Abbott ol’ boy…”…if they are able to contain the spread of the virus during the first phase.”

    Which is why right before this lock down crapola was starting to end you sent “testers” out into rural remote far west Texas (where there has been no cases of corona virus) in order to have more people test positive for corona virus and that way you’ll have an excuse to restore the shelter in place crap! When you could have sent testers out here a month ago! Just how stupid do you think we are out here in mountain lion country? Bwhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah! (as if these “tests” mean anything…)

    1. from article: ‘People don’t want to live in a world where a deadly bioweapon is highly contagious and actually kills 10% of those who become symptomatic — with a death risk that’s 56 to 100 times higher than the regular flu — so they desperately cling to bad reasoning and incorrect math as long as it makes them feel better.’

      So why are the hospitals empty?

      1. Seems FOX is being FOX. They speak anti-censorship while @:42 she says, “It’s not the government doing this, but…” As if the media and social media aren’t in bed with the gov. And I think the removal was not about WHO violations but about the doctor’s final statement, which was something about when rights are violated there will be violence. Wish I could get the clip, but, it’s been scrubbed. Ha! Pun. I bet we’ll hear more from these docs, if they remain alive that is.


    2. Those two doctors made more sense than anybody so far, completely on point, no fairy tales, pure facts.

      They should be elected as joint surgeon general.

  4. And chumpy, despite never even stating their “state’s rights” can’t violate the Bill of Rights, is somehow beyond reproach and avoids being rightfully crucified by anyone with an iota of intelligence.

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