Mail Ballot Fraud Is A Feature Not a Bug Of Global Reset

Video Rebel’s Blog

The Great Reset requires us to accept digital tattoos or chips so we can be tracked and controlled by the New World Order (NWO.) To encourage us to accept slavery, a Plandemic had to be organized to both scare us and impoverish us into a more submissive frame of mind.

In 2014 a coronavirus had been isolated in a lab at the University of North Carolina. American law does not allow enhancement of bioweapons to make them more deadly or more contagious. So NIH, Dr Fauci and President Obama gave a $3.7 million grant in 2014 to that infamous lab in Wuhan to perfect the coronavirus as a bioweapon capable of frightening the sheeple with the assistance of the Corporate Media. 

Dr Luc Montagnier who won the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2008 said it is a bioweapon and was made in a lab. It contains strands from the HIV virus. The Spike protein was engineered from SARS into Covid. This allows it to enter human cells. 4 new sequences were engineered into Covid from the HIV virus including the GP 41 envelope which is the key for HIV to infect human bodies.

Now the question is this: Was mail in ballot fraud just a case of Democrats being Democrats making sure that every dead person votes? Or was it designed so that at 3 am boxes with 120,000 Biden ballots could be dropped off and counted pushing Biden ahead of Trump? Was this a bug of mail in voting or was it designed to win elections with increasingly unpopular candidates? I believe that it is is a feature of the Great Reset.

Hillary stole 8 million votes and still lost the election. Sending jobs overseas is only popular on Wall Street, with mindless environmentalists and some civil servants and academics who do not care that whole communities were destroyed when their factories were sent to Mexico, China, Indonesia, Bangladesh and parts unknown. The NWO wants countries to specialize in certain functions so we would be dependent on others and therefore subject to control by world bodies.

America’s specialty to my way of thinking was to supply soldiers for the NWO. We were to send young men 8,000 miles away and to terrorize villagers and kick in the doors of people who had grievances similar to the families of American soldiers back home. Of course I saw the obvious flies in the ointment of American militarization. First, America relied upon China to make the weapons or rather the electronic components of her weapons. And secondly, because America financed her wars and occupations by printing trillions of I Owe You Nothing Federal Reserve Notes.

We had to finance our war supplies by convincing our adversaries to sell us weapon components on dodgy credit we intend to use to kill their soldiers. American politicians have been willing to do that but Chinese Communists might have too much integrity to sell weapons to people who plan to kill their people. Our leaders have been doing that to us for over a hundred years.

Besides, the American military budget’s primary goal since the Clinton era has been to give cover to the theft of trillions of dollars from the Pentagon and not to design weapons to defend America. Iran has far superior missiles to the US.

The Great Reset would require us to be so impoverished that we could not resist. Lockdowns did that. They destroyed a million small businesses in the US and more worldwide. That only increased the profits of the two companies that provide cloud services to store data on us and for the military and intelligence services making slavery for us possible and even likely. That is assuming they can develop vaccines that don’t make us sick and we willingly accept digital chips.

If we ever accept the chips, the next step would be a worldwide inflationary Depression so everything we had could be confiscated and given to the Uber Billionaires of the NWO. After global poverty has been achieved, they will issue digital currencies with no coins and no paper money. The Federal Reserve will no longer ask the Bureau of the Mint to make coins.

To complete our enslavement the NWO Uber Billionaires need to get us to accept mail vote fraud because we don’t like their candidates like Hillary Clinton And Kamala Harris.

They also need to make vaccines that do not get us sick and then to convince us to take them and those abominable digital chips.

If they ever do chip us, it will be Game Over for Humanity.

Video Rebel’s Blog


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