Major Cities Defunding Police Forces Plan to Request UN Police Officers To Take Their Place To “Keep Order”!

Investment Watch

ALERT: UN Police Training Center is in… China!
Police Services can be replaced by UN Police!
Chinese Police Officers!

Brought to you by BLM and the NWO!

Investment Watch

15 thoughts on “Major Cities Defunding Police Forces Plan to Request UN Police Officers To Take Their Place To “Keep Order”!

  1. This is a declaration of WAR against the citizens of the Republic of The United States of America!
    A 17 year old young man has shown us what we need to do! KILL THE DAM ENEMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Ops to take out the Zionist ORC DRIVERS!

  2. It’s been said before, but blue helmets/berets make good targets! Vekar, you’re absolutely right; this is a great example of the Hegelian dialectic and should be used as a teaching aide for friends/family not up to speed. This action cannot be allowed; it would be the end of America, or at least what’s left of the America we remember. I was going to say if they show up, but let’s be honest, WHEN they show up, it’s open season and then we arrest the one’s that authorized it and try them for treason.

  3. Well, won’t that be special to see blue helmets or probably they’ll wear arm bands of some sort or maybe even just some small little blue patches as their designated allegiance. Really I can’t wait to see them try it.

  4. “They will close their eyes: for we shall keep promising them to give back all the liberties as soon as we have quelled the enemies of peace. It is not worthwhile to say how long a time they will be kept waiting for this return of their liberties …..”
    — The Protocols of Zion, 11


  5. The sooner/better……. i have little reservation giving led vaccines to americsn traitors. I have none when it comes to the blue helmet chi-comms.BRING IT, COMMIE MUTHRPHUKKRS.

  6. Yummy.
    I wonder if this happens if anyone will retaliate by burning down a Mayors house with their family tied to the couch.
    Let the street thugs pawn while the rooks and bishops play the long game. Plenty of time.

  7. So this was Donnie’s plan all along. Get the local police to be defunded so he can bring the blue helmets in like we are some third world country. People better start using their ammo when they see them. Them Commie pigs are coming just like that toad faced Kissinger and his minions planned.

    I can’t believe people like them have so much money to blow all of these years on stupid pointless shit like this in order to make their agenda happen. They really do have boring lives. If I had that much money, I’d just buy an island or two, have a few servants and be left the f$&k alone in nature. But these psychopaths just aren’t happy until they have complete control for some reason.

  8. Set them out. I’ve always noted how those blue helmets and berets make such obvious targets… Let the red chinese invade..They will find “a rifle behind each blade of grass”. Instead of buying their crappy slave-manufactured goods, we will send them bullets and missiles.

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