Man Faces Charges After Catching Alleged Vandals In The Act

CBS New York

A New York man is facing charges in connection with his efforts to stop a group of boys who were allegedly vandalizing his father-in-law’s home while it was being renovated.

The boys are accused of causing havoc in the home, near Rochester, but now the man who caught them could be in trouble.  

“I’m not regretful, I just thought I was doing the right thing,” Jesse Daniels told CBS 2′s Alice Gainer.

Daniels is facing charges for corralling four children, who ranged in age from 8 to 10 years old, in a closet. He told CBS 2′s Gainer that he found the boys destroying the home with hammers, and that they had done an estimated $40,000 worth of damage.

“I’m very happy the children … the kids didn’t get hurt because porcelain shatters,” Daniels said. “They barricaded the basements, so we had no access to the basement, cranked all the heat, and then smashed the outlets so we couldn’t adjust it.”

After hearing a noise coming from the house on the night of June 8, Daniels went to investigate while his wife called 911.

“I was fortunate that they were in that room that had a closet, so I put them in the closet,” Daniels said.

Daniels added that he did not threaten the boys while waiting for authorities to arrive.

Still, others said that Daniels went too far.

“I understand they were in the wrong, but there are other ways to handle it,” Paul Bowler, father of two of the boys said. “He knew who the kids were. It’s not like they were strangers, and send the kids home and call the cops then. You don’t sit there and torment them and tell them you’re going to bash their skulls in with a hammer.”

Daniels is facing child endangerment charges and is due in court in late June. The children have been charged with burglary and criminal mischief. Their cases have been referred to family court.

5 thoughts on “Man Faces Charges After Catching Alleged Vandals In The Act

  1. Public whipping, with their ignorant parents forced to watch, isn’t good enough for these future sociopathic little scum. Their age is irrelevant – it’s most important that by this age they are taught that they have social responsibilities, and are always responsible for their actions, or they will probably be goaled by the time they’re 20. Ignorant little scum, with parents who are no better, abusing their children through moral neglect.

  2. Products of jewish controlled media and the jewish controlled educational system. Now, Mr. Daniels is a victim of the jewish controlled ‘non justice’ system.

  3. he didnt lock them in the closet and walk away, he stuck them in there and waited on the other side of the door, nobody was in danger. I do like the ideal of public whippings though, the boys could take them or the parents could take them for the kids, whichever.

  4. He should report the parents for allowing their 8 and 10 year old kids to run around at night with no supervision. Then sue the parents for the damage they caused.

  5. ““I understand they were in the wrong, but there are other ways to handle it,” Paul Bowler, father of two of the boys said. “He knew who the kids were. It’s not like they were strangers, and send the kids home and call the cops then. You don’t sit there and torment them and tell them you’re going to bash their skulls in with a hammer.””

    Yes, just send the bank robbers home with your money and then call the cops. Or just send the arsonist who burned your house down home and then call the cops. Even if you knew who they were. I mean don’t hold them and call the parents and the cops at the same time. NO NO!!! That’s wrong. Just let them go and then call the cops, since the cops always show up to the scene AFTER the incident had happened and the likelihood of disputing or charging someone for the incident becomes lessened.

    WTF kind of world are we living in? Yet, a kid wearing an NRA t-shirt to school could get up to 1 year in prison with no prior arrests or criminal record whatsoever. I’m so confused. What country are we in because it sure as hell ain’t America?

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