Man on Trial for Shotgun Shell Possession in DC Found Guilty of Possessing Inert ‘Bullets’ Instead

Breitbart – by AWR Hawkins

On March 26th Mark Witaschek’s trial over his possession of a shotgun shell in his Washington, D.C., home took a turn, and he was found guilty of “attempted possession of unlawful ammunition” over 25 muzzleloader bullets which were also in his house – these are lead and copper bullets without primers.

In other words, they are inert; one could hit them with a hammer or throw them into a fire and there would be no explosion because such bullets have no gunpowder encased behind them.  

According to The Washington Times, Judge Robert Morin ruled on the muzzleloader bullets when the prosecution team could not figure out how to open the shotgun shell to see if there “was powder inside.” Morin shook the shell and listened to it and “said he could not hear any gunpowder.”

Concerning the muzzleloader bullets, Morin said, “I am persuaded these are bullets. They look like bullets. They are hollow-point. They are not musket balls.”

Morin “sentenced Mr. Witaschek to time served, a $50 fine, and required him to enroll with the Metropolitan Police Department’s firearm offenders’ registry within 48 hours.”

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4 thoughts on “Man on Trial for Shotgun Shell Possession in DC Found Guilty of Possessing Inert ‘Bullets’ Instead

  1. his name should be spelled MORON, not Morin, that Judge needs to go

    since when is a shot gun shell, and sabots ( thats what those little hollow point muzzle loading projectiles are called) since when are they illegal to have?

    can anyone fill me in on this? did i miss something? is the accused a felon or something?

  2. Were in the 2nd does it say felons cannot own firearms?The founding fathers would have been considered terrorists in this day and age and daily more dumb laws are passed,we are all law breakers and may not even know it.

    1. you know James , you make a good point.
      I’ll retract what I said about the possibility he might have been a felon..your right where does it say anything about that in the 2nd

      1. Felons do own guns,they ride around in cop and sheriff cars,DHS and TSA vehicles,and all are guilty as hell of trampling the Constitution that they have sworn to protect. Paid whores all of them!

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