Marines were ordered to pick up human feces before they were allowed to leave Kabul: ‘Degrading and ridiculous’

By Miranda Devine – New York Post

Before they were allowed to leave Kabul in August 2021, having just lost 13 comrades to a suicide bomber, US Marines were ordered to pick up human feces and other disgusting trash at the airport so as to leave it pristine for the Taliban.

This humiliation is recounted for the first time in a new book, “Kabul: The Untold Story of Biden’s Fiasco and the American Warriors Who Fought to the End.”

The Kabul airport passenger terminal was filthy on Aug. 28, 2021, after the botched Afghanistan withdrawal.

More than 120,000 Afghans had camped there for a week, “defecating and leaving trash, bags, clothes, and other unspeakable things.”

Marines at every level were infuriated at being “forced to scoop up human poop.”

The order to clean “came with a threat that we would not leave at all if it was not completed,” one junior Marine told authors Jerry Dunleavy and James Hasson.

“It was degrading and ridiculous. We took a lot of casualties and put a lot of effort into that mission and to close it out that way was wrong. Morale was really down at that point, and it was an extremely pointless effort.”


It was the final indignity for our military heroes, who put themselves in harm’s way to satisfy a callous commander-in-chief who kept changing his mind to suit the political winds.


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