Mask Control: Prove Coronavirus Exists!

Henry Makow

A disease with no symptoms is not a disease. According to the Illuminati, the contagion is humanity.

“What is REALLY going on is the PLANNED economic collapse to usher in the tyrannical one-world government, which you are helping by complying with orders that have NO BASIS IN REALITY and are, in fact, specifically designed to make people sicker, both physically and mentally/spiritually.”

from Vigilant Citizen Forum
by A Freeman

Here are a few very basic questions for those who advocate wearing masks:

1) Please provide proof that what is being referred to as the SARS-COV-2 virus (COVID-19) actually exists. Proof MUST include actual evidence that the virus has actually been isolated, positively identified, and then successfully used to infect a healthy volunteer (the standard protocol using Koch’s postulates).

2) Please provide proof that any of the tests being used actually identify whether someone has what is being referred to as the SARS-COV-2 virus (COVID-19). Proof MUST include actual evidence of what these tests actually test for, and how whatever is being tested for proves one does or doesn’t have this alleged virus. Proof must also include the expected number of false positives and false negatives the test(s) produce, and how those two designations are determined.

3) Please provide proof that what is being referred to as the SARS-COV-2 virus (COVID-19) can actually be spread through contact with bodily fluids of any kind. Proof MUST include actual evidence showing healthy volunteers being infected by those alleged to have what is being referred to as the SARS-COV-2 virus (COVID-19).

4) Please provide proof that wearing a mask can actually stop any viral size particle from going through the mask in either direction. Proof MUST include a comparison of the size of the weave of the fabric used for the mask, relative to the size of the alleged viral particle.

If you can’t provide any proof of these things, then please stop pretending to know what you’re talking about.

What is REALLY going on is the PLANNED economic collapse to usher in the tyrannical one-world government, which you are helping by complying with orders that have NO BASIS IN REALITY and are, in fact, specifically designed to make people sicker, both physically and mentally/spiritually.

The one-world government has a stated goal of reducing the world’s population by over 90% through wars and vaccines. Why would anyone in their right-mind help them do that? Why would anyone in their right-mind continually help the very sick (crazy) people who intend to steal everything from the rest of us before torturing us and murdering us?

IF everyone stopped wearing their WORTHLESS masks, it would send the CORRECT message to the puppet politicians and their money-masters that no one is going to fall for their nonsense anymore BEFORE they murder BILLIONS as they’ve told us they’re going to do.

The life you save could be your own or someone you love.

For Christ’s sake, THINK about what you’re doing.

Henry Makow

9 thoughts on “Mask Control: Prove Coronavirus Exists!

  1. Re: “What is REALLY going on is the PLANNED economic collapse to usher in the tyrannical one-world government, which you are helping by complying with orders that have NO BASIS IN REALITY and are, in fact, specifically designed to make people sicker, both physically and mentally/spiritually.”

    That right there is a grand summary. They’ll make us do The Lockdown Two-step, with mask as partner, as they steal what’s left of our money and our resources. All their backroom deals are to communize the globe while they remain utterly rich and fully in control. Think again, as*holes. WE AIN”T HAVIN’ IT!!!!!!!!!! The drive for FREEDOM is unrelenting and currently EXTREMELY ENERGIZED!!


  2. That was a great article. I never plagarized, but I stole his words and added some to send to the local Mountain Marxist paper as a letter to the editor- wonder if they print it….

    What do you really “know”?,
    Here are a few very basic questions for those who advocate wearing masks and locking this country down into a track and trace Orwellian dystopia:
    1) Please provide proof that what is being referred to as the SARS-COV-2 virus (COVID-19) actually exists. Proof MUST include actual evidence that the virus has actually been isolated, positively identified, and then successfully used to infect a healthy volunteer (the standard protocol using Koch’s postulates).
    2) Please provide proof that any of the tests being used actually identify whether someone has what is being referred to as the SARS-COV-2 virus (COVID-19). Proof MUST include actual evidence of what these tests actually test for, and how whatever is being tested for proves one does or doesn’t have this alleged virus. Proof must also include the expected number of false positives and false negatives the test(s) produce, and how those two designations are determined.
    3) Please provide proof that what is being referred to as the SARS-COV-2 virus (COVID-19) can actually be spread through contact with bodily fluids of any kind. Proof MUST include actual evidence showing healthy volunteers being infected by those alleged to have what is being referred to as the SARS-COV-2 virus (COVID-19).
    If you can’t provide proof for all of these criteria, then please stop pretending to know what you’re talking about.
    The reality is that the No-Vid operation is being used to bring us under a New World Order, as you’ve been told on the back of your dollar. Everybody’s buddy, the UN, has changed its name to UN NWO, and their associates from The World Bank, IMF, World Economic Forum have big plans for you and the kids with their coming “Great Reset”. Ready to starve because food production has been artificially stifled?
    Please do your own research on all the above, including the difference between germ theory and exosome theory, before immaturely spewing Marxist tropes toward caring, thinking humanitarian individuals based on your paranoia and lack of truth.

    1. Great letter! The editors will more than likely will flip out and you’ll become the talk of the office; loony tunes conspiracy theorist.
      Either the way the folks in your town need to hear what you wrote. Time to start pasting your letter on store fronts and electric poles if they don’t publish it.

      1. I was doing a search on duck duck about viruses being verified with Koch’s and saw what I just wrote earlier to the editor! That was a trip. So they printed it.
        That’s why I’m researching, because I’m waiting for the rebuttle by the myriad Berkeley bezerkies. I’m not in a mood to argue, but just glad the editor might check things out, because we all know she won’t want what they’ve got planned. Now I’m sending her a Dr. K and Judy link tomorrow.

        1. Excellent! They actually published your important letter. You may just turn the tide in your town and it’s great you are getting ready for rebuttals. Great on the K & J links too!

        2. love your efforts BOB
          It is exhausting …researching and sharing info and trying to prep at the same time
          ‘I’m not in a mood to argue’ …do not waste your energy, it is counter productive to your mission LOVE YA!!

          If you would like DVDs to hand out let me know…just send me an email

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