Mask Up and Shut Up

The Atlantic – by Derek Thompson

COVID-19 researchers have rightly extolled the virtues of masks, hailed the necessity of ventilation, and praised the salutary nature of outdoor activities. But another behavioral tactic hasn’t received enough attention, in part because it makes itself known by its absence. That tactic is silence.

Yes, it is finally time to talk, in this pandemic, about the importance of not talking in this pandemic. 

“Every route of viral transmission would go down if we talked less, or talked less loudly, in public spaces,” Jose L. Jimenez, a professor at the University of Colorado at Boulder, who studies disease transmission, told me. “This is just a very clear fact. It’s not controversial.”

Silence is golden as an antiviral strategy because of how this disease spreads. The coronavirus seems to move primarily through viral particles that erupt from our faces when we sneeze, cough, talk, or sing. Some of these particles are heavy enough to splash on a nearby surface or fall quickly to the ground. Those are called large droplets. They are large only in comparison with the smaller globs that spray from our mouths and linger in the air in a swirling particle cloud. These are called aerosols.

Read the rest here:

5 thoughts on “Mask Up and Shut Up

  1. Man, they just don’t want us talkin’ to each other, let alone planning and strategizing:

    “Silence is golden as an antiviral strategy.”

    “The truth is that if everybody stopped talking for a month or two, the pandemic would probably die off.”

    “Spare your voice; save a life.”

    So here we have a dictate from a popular magazine. Well, there is more than one type of magazine!!


  2. Why don’t you lead by example Jose L. Jimenez, shut the f*** up! I will not comply with your or any other tyrant’s edicts.

  3. “Every route of viral transmission would go down if we talked less, or talked less loudly, in public spaces,” Jose L. Jimenez, a professor at the University of Colorado at Boulder, who studies disease transmission, told me. “This is just a very clear fact. It’s not controversial.”
    You sir, are a stooge

    My concern is for the weaponized aerosols being sprayed on us. I am not worried about standing next to my fellow man whether he speaks to me or not

    1. The shit is already killing all the trees. More eye problems and respiratory problems for humans, for now. Swimming in the green algae it produces isn’t good either. They say it can kill ya. And nobody notices that all big bodies of water are now green or the trees reflecting a fluorescent green after a rain. I see non-smokers struggling to breath. Huffing and puffing doing normal activities that they didn’t use to huff and puff for.

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