Media Whores Bringing Us Wars

bbc mockingbird lennonSovereign Independent UK – by Sir Robert Malarky OBE CBE PIE

Without a sustained campaign of  deception, demonisation and propaganda there would be no support for wars. In point of fact there would  be public revulsion, rallied opposition and a reduction in conflict.

People that help start wars should be seen as criminals.

Never forget that the media branded “war on terror” is in fact a “war of terror” aimed primarily at our minds.  

Quite rightly the BBC have come under fire for exactly that re Syria.

bbc war whores

Are they at it again with Ukraine ?  Who pays the piper ?

Where might this misguided path lead ?

Radio Interview Dr Paul Craig Roberts Speaks to Slobdny Vysielac on US Policy and the “Washington Coup”.

Dr Paul Craig Roberts Speaks to Slobdny Vysielac on US Policy

Where might this misguided path lead ?

bbc war

WW1 and millions of casualties with millions more maimed and wounded.

Below another reminder of the good old days.

bbc lord haw haw small

The 7/7 Terror Rehearsal

Setting The Stage "Bold And Brilliant"

Visor Consultants’ ‘simultaneous bombs’ rehearsal on 7 July 2005

Update 07/02/08:J7 Exclusive Report: Peter Power’s CV Fakery – 7/7 terror rehearsal man and regular BBC ‘terror’ consultant wassuspended from Dorset Police pending an internal inquiry that resulted in a file being sent to the Director of Public Prosecutions. Full story here.

At 21:54 GMT on 9/11/2001 the BBC announced that WTC 7 had collapsed. There was just one problem with this news: WTC 7 did not collapse until 22:20 GMT.


bbc mockingbird lennon

BBC News – 9/11′s British victims remembered by family and friends

10 Sep 2011 – Friends and relatives of British victims of 9/11 reflect on the lives of their loved ones lost in the terrorist attack.
“Six weeks after 9/11 his body was identified on the second floor of the building, along with some firefighters. He’d been killed by falling masonry.


Kieth at

BBC is taking a well-deserved public flogging for being caught flat-out fabricating their story about Syrian government atrocities last summer. So, it is time to look back at another case of obvious BBC deception gone wrong, which is their reporting that World Trade Center Building 7 had collapsed … 26 minutes before it actually happened. This proves that 9-11 was a staged incident by the US and its allies, following a script, and whoever had the detonator for building 7 missed their cue by almost half an hour, and the presstitutes and whorespondents at the news networks didn’t get word of the delay in time.



lennon war is over

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