Mekdad: Syria submitted proof of chemical weapons use by terrorists

Sanya – by F.Allafi

Damascus, (SANA) – Deputy Foreign and Expatriates Minister, Fayssal Mekdad, stressed that the US and its allies had no proof of chemical weapons use by the Syrian government and they were encouraging the terrorists to use these weapons.

In a statement to reporters, Mekdad said that this western policy means that such weapons will be used soon by the same terrorist groups they have supported against the European peoples.  

He clarified that Syria submitted to the UN investigation mission proof on the use of chemical weapons by the armed terrorist groups in all sites.

In an interview to BBC channel, Mekdad said, “We do not trust the western countries which support terrorists in Syria, and Jabhat al-Nusra on top; we have the right to defend ourselves, dignity and lands by using all means available and our people is ready for that.”

He pointed out that any military attack on Syria will have regional and international repercussions and direct effects on the role of the UN Security Council.

Mekdad asserted that Syria did not use any chemical weapons and it has repeatedly affirmed that if Syria possessed any chemical weapons, it would not use it against its people.


13 thoughts on “Mekdad: Syria submitted proof of chemical weapons use by terrorists

  1. this is one of the best web sites….for current information on the entire net.This site picks up thought to be, credible reporting…especially concerning our daily safety, during these most dangerous times..And…for me, since I got out of Viet Nam, 1970…having been drafted by the us army,sent to Nam, 1969 and made it through without getting shot up….this site is an informative place to catch up on our perilous safety……day by day.
    I have no idea of how this Syrian situation will end….certainly is not Nam….This is way more dangerous….it really is!
    Every body stay aware.
    Keep your wits about you, no matter what.
    Be grateful to Henry and his staff and to all the other sites which attempt to keep us informed and also offer us, the reader, a place to communicate with one another…
    Robert Beason Nam Vet 1969

    1. Hi Robert
      I agree with you totally and enjoy your comments. Looks like you and I are on the same page and come from similar backgrounds. Mine was Navy during and off coast of Viet Nam…my brother was In Country 69-70 Army.
      This is a great site…it’s one of the main ones I go to for the truth.

  2. I don’t think I have to say this here but just in case; if things go south here in the US and we end up with foreign troops on the ground do not follow the false edict, “the enemy of my enemy is my friend”, that does not apply. A foreign presence means that the victor expects the spoils. Our resources and our people will be the spoils. That does not mean that you assist the domestic enemy either. We would be fighting multipple fronts. Remember first without a supply line an army cannot survive, without communication the army is blind. Disrupt the communication and the supply line is vulnerable. Be sure that you are preparing an alternate local or regional network.

    1. Has there ever been a world war with 3 different side?
      That would be easier for We the people if everyone was the enemy. We the people would fight guerrilla style from the shadows, and they would be weakening each other while We the people gained strength.

  3. Do you think this is a show for a planned Russian attack on the US, with the full knowledge and cooperation of the illegitimate regime in DC? Is this what Obama was referring to when he told the Russians to be patient and wait until his re-election before acting on some unknown agreement between Moscow and DC? Is Obama now giving Russia the excuse it needs to attack the US and deploy its troops on American soil? Is this a covert, but agreed planned take-over the United States? Don’t put anything past this corrupt regime!

    1. We do know that they have the planned take down of America from the traitors within. So, I got to figure that anything that goes on in the world, is for our eventual take down. Think of all of the things stacked against us for a take down… Everything!!! This total lawlessness in the government and total disregard for we the people is all signs that the “attempted” take down is in progress. Any day, expect to wake up with troops everywhere. The senario of that day run thru my head everyday, all day. Ain’t nothing happen on my street without me seeing it… OpSec.. Situational Awareness

    2. There were reports in the past that Kissinger told Medvedev that We the People would be disarmed by September, that was a few years ago. Also, of course the “hot mic” incident with Obama and Medvedev. Definitely these are issues to keep in mind and research further. There are however other reports that the Russian govt made the statements warning the US public to not disarm and not allow our government to disarm us. Unfortunately there is so much chatter, trying to put your finger on the truth is like trying to catch earth-worms.

    3. No! Don’t think this is a show…..But….the criminals in DC might be up to that. I wouldn’t put anything past them…
      Here is the situation as i see it domestically in our own land.
      Should things go really south for us the citizen here in America, baring a nuc strike, and even then….I still think this applies.
      Not all active duty us military will go along with a shoot up of their own people.
      many states governments will certainly be against DC, including the use of state Nat Guard troops to aid the citizens of their state.
      There are just a hell of a lot of ex military who would all I believe, be against DC……….they would be very helpful to the population as a whole…
      we are not a backward country like Nam, where I fought….a country that could not get their act together to drive out invaders….we here in this country will certainly drive out the DC invaders….if they make a nasty move to force us into any…place…..anywhere…like camps and so forth…….and one state will aid another state…and there are roads, vehicles and so forth….nam was not much like that….they had oxen, and carts and so forth….I felt so bad for the people there…I still do to this day…..
      I’ll tell you what, the sons a bitches…..better get the common sense back in some branches of our gov…fed…like the senate or house or supreme court…….cause if this thing blows up in their face around there, they won’t survive…i don’t care how many underground tunells they have and so forth….
      so stay informed
      rest assured that we will prevail..
      keep your wits about you at all times…

    4. Interesting…. i pondered the same thought myself. If pulled off that would be the best plan from their perspective. Annnnd DAMN FRIGHTENING!!!!

  4. Strangely, the US purchased and now owns a chemical manf plant in
    Georgia which manufactures the vary same chemicals the phoney
    Syrian Rebels used against the real Syrians.

    1. Unbeknownst to most in regular folk in the US, the US owns many, many chemical weapon manufacturing facilities. In Indianapolis about 10 years back they were dumping VX in the eagle creek as a disposal method from a local manufactuer of the nerve agent. They claimed that the dilution of the VX made it non-toxic to humans and local wild life. Hell some of our everyday chemproduceers are also producers of chemical weapons. Dupont, Monsato subsidiaries, etc. We still produce Agent Orange. Now we just sell it to Brazilian corporations for defoliation of the rain forest. Also the US has some of the largest stockpiles of bilogical weapons in the wolrd.

      To your point, yes some of the information being submitted to the UN includes the very point that you bring up, including the paper trail through Turkey to the destination in Syia.

  5. I remember Kissinger a while back, saying something like, “Today, Americans would go to war if they saw UN troops on their streets. Tomorrow, they will gladly embrace them.”

    Is this what he meant? Does he think that by just turning the tables and making the U.N., Russia and China to come and rescue the U.S. from our corrupt foreign government is going to make us welcome the U.N. and the NWO Government? Especially since we know that Obama is working with Russia and China?


    We will fight to drive them all out. U.N., Russia, China, Mexico and whoever else dares invade our borders.


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