Daily Mail – by HARRIET ARKELL
Hundreds of armed vigilantes stormed a Mexican town and arrested federal police in the latest bloody battle between residents, criminal gangs, and the police locals say are in league with the gang members.
Around 600 members of local ‘autodefensas’, or self-defence groups, stormed Paracuaro in the troubled Michoacan state yesterday in an attempt to seize control of the town back from the feared Caballeros Templarios (Knights Templar) drug cartel.
The battle was the latest in a long-running war between the drugs gang in Mexico’s south-west and local residents who say state and federal police are not protecting them.

Taking matters into their own hands: Hundreds of residents joined forces to storm Paracuaro, headquarters of the Caballeros Templarios gang, yesterday

They drove into the town in black armoured vehicles shouting ‘Don’t be frightened, we are vigilantes’, before expelling drugs traffickers, whom they accuse of kidnapping people and bribing them to make money. Several gun battles were reported, leaving at least one dead.
Police officers, whom the vigilantes accuse of being in league with the cash-rich drug gangs, were rounded up by machine-gun toting locals, along with others suspected of associating with gang members, and a checkpoint was set up at the entrance to Paracuaro.
Michoacan has been rocked by repeated explosions of civil unrest since February last year, as vigilante groups have sprung up in communities where people say they are not being protected from drugs trafficking gangs.
Over in the neighbouring state of Guerrero, which produces half of Mexico’s heroin and is riddled with drugs gangs, members of the Public Safety System, or the Guerrero community police, marched yesterday to commemorate the first anniversary of their foundation in Ayutla de los Libres.

Insecurity dominates the lives of millions of Mexicans, for whom taking the law into their own hands has become the only option. Drugs cartels make millions of dollars producing and selling drugs, so the land where they produce opium poppies and marijuana is highly prized and often fought over.
Meanwhile yesterday an outspoken doctor who leads a vigilante group was injured when his plane crashed in western Mexico, killing one man.
Dr Jose Manuel Mireles suffered a dislocated jaw and head injuries after his plane crashed near the town of La Huacana yesterday.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2534496/Mexican-vigilante-gunmen-disarm-local-POLICE-rid-town-feared-Knights-Templar-drug-cartel.html#ixzz2pxQPJHdt
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Now is that how ya get the job done or what 😆 😎 Now that is how ya do it 😉
Digs, I couldn’t agree with you more. Now that’s what I’m talking about. That’s what We the People should be doing right here in America.
So I guess that’s how you say, “F**K the police” in Mexican.
When will it be our turn? It’s time we started taking out our own trash. The Round Rock, TX Police Department would be a good place to start for Texans in my opinion. They better shape up or face the wrath of We the People.
Exactly NC.I hate to say it but the LEO`s have left us no choice far as I can see.
Hey my friend. i agree.
This is what will start happening all over America when things go hot.
Sunfire i was thinking the same thing.
@Paul and Sunfire, it is going to be a real sh*t fight blood bath I bet. I will be scary but nobody ever said it will be easy or fun – I am definately not looking forward to it but ya got to be readyfor what ever happens. 😐
Yes Digger i agree. any kind of war is filthy, and cruel. I still pray it won’t be necessary for all out aggression. the smell of death never leaves your mind.
And now, Paul, I heard the other day that the cartels are all pissed at the legalize smoke shops cutting into their trade. LOL many of those smoke shops are already sold out ROFLMAO 😆 😎
ya i read that too. Love it! hah
Hey Digger where can i look for seeds for sprouting?
I would call that ameriherb .com phone number here Paul – 1-800-267-6141 and request a wholesale price guide or catalog. They are printing up their most recent one right now and it will be ready in 2 – 3 weeks he told me. their e-mail is http://www.ameriherb.com or their other site of theirs is at http://www.herbalcom.com . I would order their catalog right away in the morning say about 9:30 or so. He will also hook ya up with herbalcom.com if you need help.That is the only place that I get my seeds from. Right next door to ya too in Iowa 😆 hows that for local Ames,IA. Hows that for semi local all american 🙂
gotcha thanks. yup thats local for sure. hah
Yes Paul, if you click on that herbal com link there they will have a price guid The white area is its latin – I guess LOL – and the blue area on the left of the screen is the english name that you would better understand . For instance they have a pound of alfalfa seeds for sprouting for $8.95 and you got some good eats for a long time add to that radish seeds and ya got the start of good eats? there is shipping and handling ya know so I woud recomend buying 3 or more items ya know so the shipping would pay less for each item 🙂 I`llshut up on thtaIf ya`ll got any probs . I could meet ya in the pub ya know at the top of the page – just jet me know eh 🙂
thanks digger. i have that url in my favorites.
Someone mind telling me why Mexicans are doing what we Americans should be doing?
So what are we saying here? That we need to be taken over by drug cartels as well as corrupt police in order to take up arms and fight back?
Is that what it’s going to take to start a revolution in this country? Because we already have the biggest drug cartels going on here as it is. Eric Holder and Rahm Emanuel are the heads of just some of them for starters, followed by Hitlery and Obama as well. Meanwhile the Zionist Jews are cowardly hiding in the background manipulating everything.
Do we have to wait until they physically show their faces on the street in order for us to take up arms and arrest these bastards and enforce our Constitution and Bill of Rights?
The police say, “Click it or get a ticket”.
I say, “Click it (your gun) or get a ticket (to the ditch with a bullet in the back of your head)”.
I hope this is as reported and not down the road a front for other cartels/militias/you get the idea.Will be nice if really for the people of region and they keep fighting for people of the region,feel this countries day will soon come for the same.
All I see happening in the bigger cities including the one I live in here in Tampa Florida is the cops and sheriffs kissing the ass’s of the feds every chance they get.They are on a speed dial to the TSA to take you away if you don’t comply,DHS is their new best friends too along with a new headquarters here.This place has become a police state with cops every where you look.The first hint of trouble and they show up like a swarm of locust ready to kill whatever they see as a threat.And this is the garbage that the feds see fit to give MRAPS to for use in our neighborhood. We keep hearing about the good cops and sheriffs so where are they?