Militia Mobilizes… They’re Going to Defend the Border

Conservative Tribune

There is a humanitarian crisis currently taking place along our nation’s southern border.

Thousands of illegal immigrants, many of them unaccompanied children, are flooding across the border, completely overwhelming our border security system, which already has the Border Patrol’s  hands tied due to the Obama administration’s immigration policy, or lack thereof.

Texas is now making moves to secure the southern border themselves, something they have done previously for brief periods, since the federal government has made no effort to secure it like they are supposed to.  

We are now hearing word that militias across the nation are considering mobilizing to assist in gaining control of the border, much like some militias mobilized to help defend the Bundy Ranch in Nevada from the overreaching BLM earlier this year.

An alert went out across the internet recently in response to Texas’ announcement of a “border surge”, encouraging the Texas militias to converge on Laredo to secure that sector of the border, according to Breitbart.

***ACTION ALERT*** All Texas & National Militia Available Please Converge Immediately Status GO: Mission close down Laredo Crossing for starters ((All need to be closed)) Operation complete when border fence is in place and secure Name: Love’s #298 Love’s Travel Stop 28527 Interstate 35, Encinal, TX 78019 (956) 948-7044 Location: I 35 & Hwy 44, Encinal, TX Distance from Encino: 93.7 miles Contact numbers: for location and or pick up 580 889 1036 423 333 8872 Militia Conference Number 24/7 For info and assistance 559 726 1300 access 639939# It’s time to bring down the thunder. Activating the Patriots willing to stand up for America GO GO GO. III% Kelli in Texas USA Let’s share this like the brushfires of Liberty”

There are an estimated 500 militia troops already guarding the border in Arizona, and some militias in Arizona, Oklahoma, and other states across the country are offering their assistance to the Texas militia, if they are invited to come help.

Not everyone is pleased though, and according to the Tea, there are questions about whether the Texas government would welcome the help of the militias in their border surge or not, with some claiming the Governor wants to work with them while others are telling them to stay away.

State Rep Steve Toth (R-The Woodlands) spoke to Texas Department of Public Safety Director, Colonel Steve McCraw about the militia groups coming to Texas. On a Facebook chat thread this morning Toth said, “Steve McCraw is not looking for anyone to show up on the border to help DPS or the Guard. If you would like to join the Guard we would love to have you but don’t show up on the border to help it will only cause confusion and lead to someone getting hurt.”

Texas would be wise to accept the assistance being offered by the various militias, as they can provide much needed manpower.  Likewise, it would also be wise of the militias to defer for now to the wishes of Texas, coordinating their efforts with the Texas DPS, and ensuring that they aren’t acting as vigilantes.

Hopefully Texas will be able to gain control of their border, putting a stop to the current crisis of children flooding across the border.  Many of the people coming across are sick with communicable diseases, and while our Border Patrol and Immigration officials are focused on helping the children, cartels, smugglers and criminals are moving back and forth with ease, conducting their criminal activity.

The border must be secured as soon as possible.  The security of our nation depends upon it.


2 thoughts on “Militia Mobilizes… They’re Going to Defend the Border

  1. “..there are questions about whether the Texas government would welcome the help of the militias…”

    FORGET the government altogether; they’re the enemy, and they’re responsible for the problem. If you have anything at all to do with the Texas or Federal government, it should be limited to sending those crooks to Mexico along with the invaders.

    Tell the Texas governor (Perry) he can go run for office in Tabasco, Mexico, because he’s been nothing but a criminal traitor here.

  2. “and some militias in Arizona, Oklahoma, and other states across the country are offering their assistance to the Texas militia, if they are invited to come help.”

    Who gives a shit about whether or not Texas wants their help? THIS IS A COUNTRY ISSUE!! IT’S AN INVASION!! ENOUGH WITH THE “DON’T MESS WITH TEXAS” CRAP!! We either work together or we all are doomed. Texans need to take their damn pride and shove it up their asses!! We need all men on deck for this thing. It’s a crisis for cryin’ out loud! Enough with this bullshit!

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