Missouri lawmaker introduces bill that would require AR-15 ownership

KMOV 4 News

ST. LOUIS (KMOV.com) – A bill introduced in Missouri would require residents to own AR-15 guns.

Andrew McDaniel (R-Deering) introduced House Bill 1108 late last month. The bill would establish the McDaniel Militia Act, “which requires every person between 18 and 35 years of age who can legally possess a firearm to own an AR-15 and authorizes a tax credit for a purchase of an AR-15.” 

According to the proposed bill, any person who qualifies as a resident on Aug. 28, 2019 who does not own an AR-15 would have a year to purchase one. In addition, anyone who becomes a state resident after Aug. 28, 2019 would have no later than a year to purchase an AR-15.

The bill was introduced for the first time and read on Feb. 27.

In addition, McDaniel filed a bill that would require every person 21 years of age and older to own a handgun if they are legally able to. That bill, House Bill 1052, was introduced two days prior to House Bill 1108.

According to the Missouri House of Representatives website, neither bill is currently scheduled for a hearing or on a House calendar.

Copyright 2019 KMOV (Meredith Corporation). All rights reserved


12 thoughts on “Missouri lawmaker introduces bill that would require AR-15 ownership

  1. Am I reading this title right? I better go clean my glasses. Many implications. Not sure this is a positive. Am I reading this right? “Required?” What? Am I…?

    1. The town I live in requires every household to have a 12 gauge shotgun or better. This ordinance was passed back in the 70s. My dad told me the reason for the ordinance was that it is easier to make a law than to change one.
      You see now, when the AR-15 is banned, you will have the main corporation telling the subject citizen that he must break a local law to comply with the ban. It would seem a smart idea, but the bottom line is, we have the 2nd Article, and we either enforce it absolutely without infringement or we lose all our rights.
      And don’t forget, if this conflict of corporate policy ever does collide, well the issue will be settled in a corporate star chamber court by an appointee of the corporation that is committing treason and pretending that they have any jurisdiction whatsoever over our Bill of Rights.

      1. Henry, thanks. I had to read your reply 10 or more times. Wasn’t fully understanding. Sat with it all day. So in some ways this is a set up, but all is overruled by the 2nd Article. One day, no more corruption. Can’t come soon enough.

        Hope you fixed your car.



    2. They should have added, its required to have a 8 foot of hemp rope, pre tied to a 15 foot tree, free to swing in a stiff breeze.

      Requiring an inspection for a 300lb drop strength load test on a quarterly basis.

  2. When this bill becomes law
    Than I’ll believe it
    Until than it’s smoke and we’ve all had that blown up our asses for way to long to take this at face value

  3. On the one hand requiring everyone to be armed is a damn good thing but on the reverse side, he is still a politician and I have grave doubts along with many suspicions. Now if his militia act is to help promote decentralized militia’s that will not have controllers in the state or fed… More power to him. This is one you have to wait and see on.

  4. In my neck of the woods, if you don’t have a gun–a rifle really–then you don’t need to be living out here. Watch out for mountain lions. And bears. And 800 pound hogs and their javelina sidekicks, which are called “javelinas” for a reason.

    1. Hi DL,

      incrediably I still havent been home to get your book. Major life saving surgery and all the BS inbetween has interfered with that 🙂 hopefully, I’ll be back in Vegas as I decided to return to my old job in trucking. It took some deep soul searching, but was cleared by safety to return, so I’m going for it. Didnt want you to thing I was ignoring you.

  5. It certainly would clear out any Left-Leaning pussies. They would leave the area rapidly.

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