A Florida mother is outraged after her 12-year-old daughter came home with an assignment she was given in her seventh grade Spanish class.
Regina Stiles posted on her Facebook page a form that asked students “How much privilege do you have?”
It instructed students to circle the boxes that apply to them in the categories of race, skin color, religion, sex, gender, sexual orientation and disability.
The options under gender included, “cisgendered,” “transgendered” or “genderqueer.”
This is no surprise. Schools are about dumbing-down and brainwashing kids in the commie tradition, and nothing more.
“For your extra-credit assignment, be a member of the opposite sex for a week, just to see if you like it.”
“The options under gender included, “cisgendered,” “transgendered” or “genderqueer.”
What the hell is THAT???
I’m wondering what “cisgendered” stands for. “Computer information systems gendered”?
Where do they come up with this shit?
So instead of having:
“Gender – Male or Female”
they have:
“Gender – Normal, It, or Gay”
Excuse me while I go, CUCKOO! CUCKOO!! CUCKOO!!!!!