Top Secret Writers – by Sally Painter
Ever since the public became aware that Monsanto and other crop growers had genetically modified staple crops, such as corn, soy, wheat and oats, controversy over the glyphosate (Roundup) resistant crops has grown.
In fact, many lawsuits have been brought against the Agra-giant with claims of health issues caused by chronic exposure to the herbicide.In 2016, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared glyphosate a probable carcinogen to humans. Even the EPA came under fire for a 40-year cover-up of the harmful effects Roundup has on humans (1).In 2015, France banned the sale of Roundup and other glyphosates (2).
And, in 2014, the Argentina publication Página/12 published an article titled “FUMIGATIONS DOUBLE THE NATIONAL CANCER DEATH RATE – Insecurity in the field”.The article cited a growing epidemic of young agricultural workers dying of kidney and other cancers claimed to be caused by exposure to Roundup (3).
Glyphosate Found in Humans Increased 500%
In October 2017, UC San Diego Health (University California) reported startling findings that glyphosate (Roundup) found in humans has increased 500%.
The study covered the last 23 years, starting from the time GM (Genetically Modified) crops were first introduced into the food chain (1994) to an unsuspecting populous. Even today, many consumers don’t realize they are ingesting Roundup when they eat GM foods (4).
The researchers at UC San Diego Health compared data they had gathered for the “excretion levels of glyphosate and its metabolite aminomethylphosphonic acid (AMPA) in the human body.”

70% in Study Had Detectable Glyphosate Levels
In the October 24, 2017 issue of the journal JAMA, Paul J Mills, PhD, Elizabeth Barrett-Connor, MD, Distinguished Professor of Family Medicine and Public Health at UC San Diego School of Medicine (Rancho Bernardo Study of Healthy Aging (RBS)) and the team of researchers used urine samples to test the excretion levels of glyphosate and AMPA in 100 Southern Californians.
The study participants provided five urine samples from 1993 to 1996 and again from 2014 to 2016.
The disturbing evidence was summed up by Mills, “What we saw was that prior to the introduction of genetically modified foods, very few people had detectable levels of glyphosate. As of 2016, 70% of the study participants had detectable levels.”
In March 2017, the OEHHA (Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment) Science for a Healthy California added glyphosate (Roundup) to its “list of chemicals known to the state to cause cancer for purposes of Proposition 65 with a delayed effective date due to the pending case Monsanto v OEHHA.”
The outcome of Monsanto’s court trial to counter the decision failed. The company appealed the court ruling, but the California government added glyphosate (Roundup) to the Proposition 65 List in July 2017. (5)
More Studies Needed
UC San Diego research program, The Herbicide Awareness & Research Project is delving deeper into Dr Barrett-Connor’s Rancho Bernardo Study of Healthy Aging (RBS). The RBS is “a prospective population-based study of older adults residing in a Southern California community.” (6)
Mills points out that the majority of adverse effects on health when exposed to glyphosate (Roundup) have been done with animals, not humans. Animal studies have proved that animals fed “ultra-low dosage of glyphosate” created liver disorders. Many of the resulting illnesses resembled “nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in humans”.
Due to the growing exposure to glyphosate in the foods that people consume, Miller stated there is “an urgent need for studies to thoroughly examine the impact on human health.”
References & Image Credits:
(1) Cancerous Monsanto Glyphosate
(2) Here’s Why France Banned Monsanto
(3) GM Crops Increasing Cancer Rates
(4) Exposure to Glyphosate
(5) Glyphosate Califoria Cause Cancer
(6) HARP Project
Originally published on
“More Studies Needed”
More studies are NOT needed. Glyphosate causes cancer, and most of the world has already banned it.
YOUR “representatives” in Washington D.C. know it causes cancer, because it’s been common knowledge for years, but they’re perfectly willing to see you poisoned to death in their undying quest to kiss more corporate ass.