Moonshine Bust

WLOS – by Sherrill Barber

Deputies raid a Mitchell County farmhouse and find a moonshine still in the basement. It happened Memorial Day in Mitchell County.

Police arrested Edd Silver and charged him with misdemeanor possession and sale of non-tax paid alcohol and making liquor without a permit. Deputies say Silver allowed them to search his home. They complement him for inviting them in and showing them a first-class still up and running downstairs.  

The sheriff had received a tip that Silver was making and selling “unbonded spirits” at his farm on Highway 80 near Bakersville. They found jars filled with what deputies say is high-quality corn liquor, about 150 gallons in quarts and half-gallons. They say he was selling it for about $20 a quart. Deputies seized all the items in the recipe including corn, sugar and yeast.

Police say Silver was running the still for some time and was proud of running a clean operation. Silver is free on $2,000 bond. His next court appearance is scheduled for June 6th.


Follow Sherrill on Twitter @SherrillBarber

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7 thoughts on “Moonshine Bust

  1. All this fuss over a misdemeanor? I guess they are all caught up on murder, rape and politicians.

    1. And bankers…let’s not forget all the thieving, lying, cheating, greedy, psychopathic, amoral sumbitching bankers they’ve jailed. And while I’m thinking about it, I’m glad they’ve also jailed all the dual-citizen zionists as well. Sheeesh…a still? nobodys business except the shiner and his customers. I hope whoever tattled on him gets a class A ass-whippin’.

    2. All greed drivin….alcohol taxes. Murder, rape & other felonies (except narcotics) don’t have profit & seizure potential. Besides, murder for LEO is considered “target practice”.

    1. What county do you live in??? If you live in the U.S. you’ve must have been freeze dried or doing a long stretch of hard time not to notice what is going on.

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