Morgellons Photos ~ Motile Sugar Snakes

Morgellons Exposed

These banded motile strands can be a variety of colorations but always shades of brown to brown/black and clear to white.  These fibers were named “sugar snakes” by a researcher who determined they were polysaccharide strands from tests he  performed in the lab at SUNY at Stony Brook.  He found that the fibers would quickly bubble and melt when heated with a laser light.  These strands can be found in the bodies of Morgellons sufferers and also have been found in the environment  on heavy chemtrail days. (Photos 1 & 2)  I suppose that some would say they look more like filarial worms but there does seem to be a difference.  

What is happening insides these fibers remains a mystery but something seems to be developing inside of them.  They move under the skin and behave much like a zoospores seeking a new place to reinvent themselves.  It is odd that something with movement would melt into a ball of plastic polymer-like substance when heated for only 3 seconds with a butane flame (photos 12, 13, and 14).   Consider nanotechnology and bioengineering as possible reasons the Morgellons materials have such unusual characteristics. Crystals are an integral part of nanotechnology.  These free roaming crystal covered strands are the perfect conveyance to drop the crystals throughout the body.

See Size Comparison Photos of Salt Crystals

This specimen was found on new snow by a lady in Colorado after a day of chemtrail spraying.  200x

This is a chemtrail sample  from Chemtrail Central.  Note the match with colored Morgellons fibers as well as the "sugar snake" on the right.  200x



This environmental specimen was found on new snow by a lady in Colorado after a day of chemtrail spraying.  200x

This is an environmental  chemtrail sample  from Chemtrail Central.  Note the match with colored Morgellons fibers as well as the “sugar snake” on the right.  200x

This specimen is from the tissue of a California lady.  200x

This specimen is from the tissue of a man in the Midwest.  200x



This specimen is from the tissue of a California lady.  200x

This specimen is from the tissue of a man in the Midwest.  200x

My Specimen was photographed at SUNY  lab using Raman imaging.  Notice the crystals on the outside and compare the size to the salt sample.  200x

This sugar snake photo is also from SUNY lab. The specimen shows the melted spot on this sugar snake where the researcher shined a laser light on it  for only a few seconds.  225x



My Specimen was photographed at SUNY  lab using Raman imaging.  Notice the crystals on the outside and compare the size to the salt sample.  200x

This sugar snake photo is also from SUNY lab. The specimen shows the melted spot on this sugar snake where the researcher shined a laser light on it  for only a few seconds.  225x

This strand has a dark swelling and a tail-like structure. It  may be a genetic throwback.  200x See Morgellons Throwback Collection for details

These strands have movement and can travel through the body or twist themselves up.   200x



This strand has a dark swelling and a tail-like structure. It  may be a genetic throwback.  200x See MorgellonsThrowback Collection for details

These strands have movement and can travel through the body or twist themselves up.   200x

A SUNY Lab  photo of sugar snakes inside tissue crust.  200x

This specimen was partially burned for a before and after comparison.  200x



A SUNY Lab  photo of sugar snakes inside tissue crust.  200x

This specimen was partially burned for   a before and after comparison.  200x

After three seconds with a butane flame  the bubbling and melting begins.  See how smooth and shiny the melted portion is. (post-burn specimen #1) 200x



Sometimes specimens are crystal clear when immature.  The surface can be scraped to reveal tiny crystals.  (pre-burn specimen #1) These crystals are spread throughout the body by these motile polysaccharide snakes.  Crystals are a primary part of nanotechnology.   200x

After three seconds with a butane flame  the bubbling and melting begins.  See how smooth and shiny the melted portion is. (post-burn specimen #1) 200x

Although medical professionals have called this a nematode it is lab created.  (post-burn specimen #2)  200x



This is a striped pre-burn specimen for experiment #2.   It was subjected to a 3 second burn in photo #14.  enlarged 200x

Although medical professionals have called this a nematode it is lab created.  (post-burn specimen #2)  200x

The specimen is twisted in  the pre-burn phase.   (experiment #3)   200x

After a 3-second burn a melted ball  forms on the end of this specimen.   (experiment #3)  200x



The specimen is twisted in  the pre-burn phase.   (experiment #3)   200x

After a 3-second burn a melted ball  forms on the end of this specimen.   (experiment #3)  200x

Sugar snakes can be colors of banded, brown with clear, solid brown-black or solid crystalline.   200x



Sugar snakes can be colors of banded, brown with clear, solid brown-black or solid crystalline.   200x

The diameter of the sugar snakes lessen as the crystals fall off the outside to reveal the wormy looking center 200x

A Closer Look at the Sugar Snakes with lighting from beneath shows the rectangular cells in the goo/crystal covering. 450x



Sugar snake at 450 x  clearly show rectangular segmentation inside.  The  rectangles look empty in undeveloped specimens.  The segmenting is somewhat like annelids.  (Earthworms) although less intricate.

This is another sugar snake take at 450x the outer layer is still a clear gel substance.  Science and nature have been mutated together to yield a new scourge on humanity.

Figure C  Left Photo


Amorphous silicon nanotubes with periodically aligned dome-shaped interiors(see Figure) are fabricated by chemical vapor deposition using a gold catalyst. As-grown materials have a length of several tens of micrometers and diameters of 70-100 nm. The inner shape and size of the interiors in the products may be tuned by controlling the silane flow rate, producing structures ranging from nanowires to tubular structures. A growth model based on surface tension is proposed.



This is called an ” amorphous silicon nanotube.  With similar variable repetitive shapes to the sugar snake  in figures  A + B

 Amorphous Silicon Nanotubes designed by C. Li, Z. T. Liu, C. Gu, X. Xu, Y. Yang Wiley Inter Science Journals



This is a photo of 3 sugar snakes taken at 200x  Consider the possibilities.

This is another photo of carbon nanotubes  from the web.

.      Web Photo PDF Advanced Materials Communications Nanotechnology .

 I have all ready found the claw material in fig. C.  Read Living With a Nightmareand the Advanced Materials PDF for actual nanotechnology identification of the Nano Components.  Notice fig. D above is also more nano material. It appears to be a nanostructure similar to a filarial worm or sugar snake.  The next few photos will show that they are unusual if you take a closer look.



Sugar snakes develop bulges in the rectangular areas.  These vary and a not always in the same place on the body

I have bottom lit this photo and the color that appears in the bulges is dark blue.


Above photo is of a sugar snake which is now bulged with two dark blue bumps on the outside.  This blue material is a match for the color of the cyanin blue fibers found throughout the body.


These masses appear to be a very dark blue/black.  The compartmentalization is similar to that of annelids.  I am not an entomologist so I don’t know all the particulars of how this mutation was conceived but I have found throwbacks to some of the genetics from the worm side of the gene pool. Annelids produce cocoons and I have found remnants of them in the early years. For more information read:  Throwback Collection of Morgellons Specimens 

At this point, the origins of what has become a polysaccharide based wormy infestation to humankind is unknown.  The morphology seems to continue to mutate even further as time elapses with this disease.  If this is nanotechnology or biotechnology or somehow a marriage of both I am not sure. Photos G thru J are recent incarnations. The manifestations vary and may be host specific depending on nutrition and genetic host factors. I personally think the polysaccharide strands are the major culprit in the lesions.  I believe they can form a structure like a heterocyst when threatened.

K – L – M  (Three photos above)

All three images above are from one unusual wormy sample along it’s length.  This is either a throwback or mutation in that it is unusual to others I have found.  The photos are more repulsive to me than usual specimens since this throwback reminds me more of a snake than a worm.  I hate snakes. It’s just plain creepy, although it was only an inch long.  These were from a new microscope 400x

Additional Sugar Snake photos submitted by our Readers 



 Sugar Snake Submitted by Ruth WA 

Sugar Snake submitted by Bannanny CA




Sugar Snake submitted by Bannanny CA

Go To:

CHAPTER 1 – Motile Sugar Snakes – Photos # 1 through 18

CHAPTER 2 – Tentacles of Grey Goo – Photos # 19 through 56

CHAPTER  3 – Mysterious Red Glowing Gel – Photos # 57 through 80

CHAPTER  4 – Blue Fibers “The Goldenheads” – Photos # 81 through 126

CHAPTER 5 – Bad Hair Day – Photos # 127 through 166

CHAPTER  6 – Great Balls of Fiber and More  Photos # 167 through 272

CHAPTER 7  Oddities and Ends – Photos # 273 through 360

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