Most Veterans Say Iraq, Afghanistan Wars Weren’t Worth It: Pew Report – by Oriana Pawlyk

A majority of veterans taking part in a new research study says that the cost and burden of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan outweigh any successes or progress made in either conflict.

A Pew Research Center report published Wednesday states that 64% — or almost two-thirds — of veterans polled in a new survey said the Iraq war “was not worth fighting,” and 58% said the same about the war in Afghanistan. 

Pew surveyed 1,284 U.S. military veterans between May 14 and June 3. It conducted a parallel survey of 1,087 U.S. adults May 14-24 to compare findings.

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3 thoughts on “Most Veterans Say Iraq, Afghanistan Wars Weren’t Worth It: Pew Report

  1. The only war that’s going to be worth a Fck is when we take this Republic back

    Come see me after that

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