Mother And Son Duo Fire On Home Intruder, Who Is Now Spending His Days In A Coma

Concealed Nation – by James England

PASADENA, TEXAS — A mother and son allegedly used the same gun to critically shoot a sloppy home invader.  According to KPRC-2, the would-be invader smashed up to seven windows before entering the residence where he was shot once in the buttocks and again in the face.  Initial reports suggested he had suffered upwards of 3-4 gun wounds.  The home intruder, William J. Hazel, 43, lived about a mile from the site of the attempted invasion and is currently in a medically induced coma.  Once he awakens, officers are expected to interrogate him and determine a bit more of his motive and background in the attack.  

Hazels’ prior criminal background includes a 3rd count of Driving Under the Influence, Driving With An Invalid License, and Assault and Injury of a Family Member.  But, if the statements given by his neighbors are any indication — otherwise, he’s an alright guy (*/s).

What is known about the case is both residents — a mother and her son — fired upon Hazel using the same firearm.  KPRC-2 news thinks there’s a story there, but honestly, that’s not even slightly important.  The important part was a mother and her son were able to defend their home after somebody intending them harm broke into their house.  Hazel smashed upwards of seven windows — this wasn’t a tactical break-in.  And the event occurred at 6:30 am, well outside the scope of “fly under the radar”.  He obviously wanted to be seen, feared, and counted on sheer brutality to ensure both of these people complied.

His plans changed abruptly thanks to a household that kept firearms on hand.  It’s one of the main reasons why we advocate educating our family members about handguns and always carrying while in the house.

Unfortunately, nutjobs like Hazel don’t bother to send a greeting card before raining down havoc upon a person’s home.  We shouldn’t expect the same in our daily lives, either.

Of course, if someone does send you a friendly greeting card warning that they will be breaking in at an approximate time, please do let us know how that went in the comments section below.

One thought on “Mother And Son Duo Fire On Home Intruder, Who Is Now Spending His Days In A Coma

  1. “… is currently in a medically induced coma. Once he awakens,…”

    Leave his stupid @ss there (coma).

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