Mother Shoots 1 of 2 Homeless Home Invaders Who Kicked in Her Door

stock_25Guns Save Lives – by Dan Cannon

CRYSTAL LAKE, ILLINOIS – A mother was forced to defend herself, her children and her home when two homeless men, identified as Brandon Mendez and Nicholas Porcayo kicked in her door.

Fortunately, the woman was able to arm herself with a .25 caliber handgun and stop the threat.  

According to the Northwest Herald,

She had been asleep when a ruckus [bonus points to the local media for using the word ruckus in a news report] and people shouting woke her up, Zinke said. Her teenage children had locked two men out of the house, but they kicked the door down. The two men were unarmed.

The woman warned them and asked them to leave, Zinke said. She shot one when they ignored her and kept advancing on her.

“The mother deserves a lot of credit,” Zinke said. “She was dealing with a violent situation. She was protecting her home and her children with the only means she had. She was incredibly brave and likely prevented any of her children from getting hurt.”

The suspect who was shot was treated at an area hospital and is expected to fully recover. Both suspects are being charged with multiple felonies.

This incident is the one of the most common types of defensive gun uses. That is, one in which no one was killed. Despite this being one of the most common types of defensive gun uses, these incidents are often not included in statistics about defensive gun uses. Many of these statistics and studies focus solely on justifiable homicides, which represent only a fraction of total defensive gun uses.

This is only the 24th defensive gun use we’ve documented in the state of Connecticut, but the 1,279th defensive gun use we’ve documented overall.

5 thoughts on “Mother Shoots 1 of 2 Homeless Home Invaders Who Kicked in Her Door

  1. the one shot survived..time to go buy a .45 honey.. you were able to hit him.. just not hard enough to do the rest of us any good.. he will get out soon and someone else is going to need to finish the job her lil.25 cal. couldnt do

    like the shirt says

    “when shooting more than once is just silly”

  2. Somebody buy that lady a bigger gun. She’s brave, but pitifully undergunned. She’s lucky to have stopped the attack with that .25acp. She’d have done better with a .22LR HVs.

  3. Ha, Raven P-25. I have one.

    She did not follow the proper procedure for a pimp gun.

    First walk up to the person. Pistol whip them with a backhand from the gun hand, followed by a quick forehand whip.

    Second, as the person falls backwards from said whipping, empty the gun into their torso at point blank range while screaming, “Where’s my money bitch!”

    This is sure to result in at least one or two nasty, though not life threatening holes in the torso.

    Don’t worry, the flyers are no threat to anyone else.

    Third, take off running before the shock wears off and the person can get up and start kicking your ass.

  4. “This incident is the one of the most common types of defensive gun uses. That is, one in which no one was killed. Despite this being one of the most common types of defensive gun uses, these incidents are often not included in statistics about defensive gun uses.”


    Can’t have any FAVORABLE statistics about gun owners skewing their propaganda program.

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