Former US Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano, who now presides over one of the country’s largest and most prestigious state university systems, told a fellow regent they “didn’t have to listen to this crap,” referring to students protesting another round of proposed tuition hikes.
During a meeting in San Francisco Wednesday, around two dozen students dressed only in their underwear loudly expressed their discontent with a potential 5% increase in fees at the University of California campuses every year over the next five years, when Napolitano leaned over to UC regent Chairman Bruce Varner and said, “Let’s just break. Let’s go, let’s go. We don’t have to listen to this crap.”

A hot mic picked up the comment.
Many of the protesting students had the phrase “Student Debt” written across their nearly naked bodies, to signify that high tuition is taking away everything that they have.
“It’s an insult to have her as the president of UC,” student protester Kristian Kim told CBS.

“I don’t know where she’s coming from, but I’m assuming she’s never had to deal with these issues personally. So I can understand why there would be a disconnect there,” Kim said in regard to Napolitano’s unsavory comment about the protest.

Napolitano has bore the brunt of student criticism since assuming the system’s presidency in 2013 for reportedly earning more in salary than the US president while proposing hikes in tuition and fees rates to compensate for decreasing state funds for the University.
She has since apologized for her comment, claiming “it’s not a word I normally use.”
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“We don’t have to listen to this crap”.
Oh really, but when it’s YOUR crap, We the people have to listen to it. I see how it is, you sick dyke!
Her follow-up comments and ability to deliver them with such “sincerity” should be an indicator of how good a liar(actor) she really is. She holds nothing but contempt and disdain for those she claims to serve and has the audacity to convince us otherwise. Go munch rug, raging bull.