Against the wishes of the Pentagon, the US Navy SEAL who shot dead Al-Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden at his compound in Pakistan on May 2, 2011, has revealed his identity.
Rob O’Neill, 38, was a commando who played an integral role in Operation Neptune Spear, the nighttime raid on bin Laden’s Abbottabad, Pakistan home. O’Neill reportedly shot bin Laden in the forehead three times. The raid ended with four others killed and no casualties among SEAL Team Six, the Navy SEALs squad charged with executing the mission.
O’Neill’s father, Tom O’Neill, exposed his identity in a new interview with the UK’s Daily Mail. The revelation comes ahead of a two-part Fox News series – dubbed ‘The Man Who Killed Osama bin Laden’ – in which Rob O’Neill will emerge later this month to speak about his own role in the Abbottabad raid.
Tom O’Neill said he came forward to speak about his son since Rob’s attempt to gain notoriety from the bin Laden mission has been criticized by top Navy officials.
“[Rob] is not allowed to talk, yet they are using this big bullhorn to shut him up,” Tom O’Neill said.
“I support him in everything he is doing.”
Rob’s reasons for coming forward, his father said, involve his future now that he has voluntarily left the service. Working as a motivational speaker since, Rob had previously worried in an interview with Esquire magazine about losing health care and pension benefits upon exiting the military early.
“What are you supposed to do when you come out of the military after such service — become a greeter at Walmart?” his father said to the Daily Mail.
Rob O’Neill’s decision to claim the Bin Laden kill – and certainly cash in while doing so – has already ruffled feathers in the Pentagon.
SEALs seeking fortune or acclaim – one other member of SEAL Team Six has already published a book, ‘No Easy Day,’ about the Bin Laden raid – for doing their job were denounced by the top Navy SEALs commander in a Oct. 31 letter to his troops.
“A critical tenet of our Ethos is ‘I do not advertise the nature of my work, nor seek recognition for my actions,’” wrote Rear Admiral Brian Losey, head of Naval Special Warfare Command, and top enlisted sailor Force Master Chief Michael Magaraci, according to the Daily Mail.

“We do not abide wilful or selfish disregard for our core values in return for public notoriety and financial gain, which only diminishes otherwise honorable service, courage and sacrifice.”
“All members exposed to classified information have a duty obligation to protect this information, regardless of what may be reflected in the media, accurately or otherwise,” they added.
“We will actively seek judicial consequence for members who willfully violate the law, and place our Teammates, our Families, and potential future operations at risk.”
As for risks of coming forward that do not include the Pentagon’s wrath, Tom O’Neill said he and his son are not worried about retribution.
“People are asking if we are worried that ISIS (militant jihadist group Islamic State) will come and get us because Rob is going public,” he told the Daily Mail.
“I say I’ll paint a big target on my front door and say come and get us.”
Islamic State rose to prominence during the ongoing Syrian civil war. The group was formerly affiliated with Al-Qaeda before a disagreement in tactics led to a split, with Al-Qaeda leadership denouncing Islamic State in early 2014. Islamic State has since established control over large swaths of Syria and Iraq. Late this summer, the group became the target of US airstrikes that seek to “degrade and ultimately destroy” their operations, in the words of US President Barack Obama.
The 2011 raid was ordered by Obama after the CIA tracked Bin Laden’s courier to the Abbottabad compound. Emerging from Blackhawk helicopters, the SEAL Team Six pounced on the hideout. Bin Laden’s body was said to have been dumped at sea, though it was revealed over a year later that no Navy sailor witnessed the burial and there were no photographs or video evidence of the event.
The raid became the subject of a major Hollywood motion picture, the award-winning, if not controversial, ‘Zero Dark Thirty.’
Rob O’Neill also took part in two other missions that eventually became fodder for the big screen. He was the lead jumper, according to the Daily Mail, on the Maersk Alabama, a cargo ship hijacked by Somali pirates in 2009. The event became inspiration for the Tom Hanks film ‘Captain Phillips.’ And O’Neill was involved in saving fellow SEAL Marcus Luttrell, who survived a failed attempt to capture a Taliban commander in Afghanistan. This mission became the story for the movie ‘Lone Survivor.’
This article wreaks of BS
Even the photo of the guy looks candid.
And I’m suppose to believe that.?
UGH!…. could have picked a better crisis actor
This guy is a Navy Seal? Yea right and I’m Arnold Schwarzeneggar. This guy looks like he couldn’t shoot a tin can from two feet away. He looks like a greasy used car salesman.
“Against the wishes of the Pentagon”
Trust me .. if this was against the wishes of the Pentagon.. we wouldnt be reading this,, but bigger lie than that.. If the Pentagon told this guy to STFU.. thats exactly what he would be doing or he would be in one of two places 1 in a pine box or 2 in prison on some trumped up BS
another LIE!
Rob O’Neill will emerge later this month to speak about his own role in the Abbottabad raid,,, thats because they have to school him as to what to say and what not to say..and how to lie just like them
dude if you were there and you did what they say you did you dont need a month to get it right
I have some land for sale at the North Pole.
All you have to do is clean out the fat man and his followers.
The Pentagon told me not to talk about this.
This is just as real of a story.
Lies to cover up other lies.
OBL has been dead well over a decade. But don’t tell, the Pentagram might get upset.
More Bullshit……
and it just keeps getting thickerer..
“I say I’ll paint a big target on my front door and say come and get us.”
HAHA ‘merica!
I am going to have to say this is also a recruitment tool for the brain-dead who wish to be for-real-dead serving their zionist masters. They will regurgitate such bs spoon fed propaganda and lies as “I am fighting for YOUR freedoms!”
Lovely gesture, however the enemy is within the gates and you are following its orders.
Well really…what do you expect from a people who surrender upwards of 60% of their fruit from labor and insist on calling themselves free?
They’ll buy it. They’ll waive their flags and chant USA USA USA …
This guy drinks starbucks on a daily basis.
Haha Ewwwwwwwww!!!!! Butt funny 🙂
Just as phony as the faked picture in the “Situation” Room where Hillary and Obama pretending to be on the edge of their seats – reportedly watching the OBL take down in real time………..then the biggest liar that ever lived declaring that he got Bin Laden………….yeah, they all look like a big bunch of corny liars and their lies just aren’t flying anymore……….Pentagon, POTUS….the whole big pathetic mafia of thieves and liars……..pretty soon they should get the picture that no one is listening anymore……we know, we know……….count the whole world in on the day they all are hanging upside down from a lamp post and the people are singing!! Their day will come……
I thought these screw balls all died in a helicopter crash…
I have a confession.
I Nott O. O’Bitter killed osama bin laden. It was with the candle stick in the library.
Oh man I hope the pentagon doesnt get mad I told you guys. The last thing I need is my masters getting upset with me..
LOL masters. Im sorry I cant keep a straight face while typing this.
Glad I wasn’t eating when I read that! !! OMG too funny! !!:)
This shithead don’t look like he could whip shit with a Mix Master.