Netanyahu backs away from Soleimani assassination, warns ministers to ‘stay out’ of purely ‘American event’


Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu has reportedly warned his cabinet not to get too involved in the US murder of Iranian General Qassem Soleimani, lest Tel Aviv gets dragged into the escalating conflict between Washington and Tehran.

“The assassination of Soleimani isn’t an Israeli event but an American event. We were not involved and should not be dragged into it,” Netanyahu reportedly told his security cabinet during a meeting on Monday, as cited by Israel’s Channel 13. He advised ministers to avoid speaking to the media about Thursday’s targeted assassination beyond supporting the US’ right to defend itself, so as not to give the impression that Israel had played any role in it. 

The directors of Mossad and military intelligence reassured the ministers that the likelihood of a retaliatory attack is low, since “Israel stayed at a distance from the incident,” and that Iran will begin planning its reciprocal move on Tuesday following the conclusion of the national mourning period for Soleimani, according to the same sources.

Netanyahu’s sudden reticence is particularly notable because he has been advocating a US-Iran conflict for much of his political career. For over 20 years, he has insisted that the Islamic Republic was just steps away from producing nuclear weapons, even when Israeli intelligence publicly argued otherwise.

The Israeli PM was also front and center in the run-up to the most recent Iraq War, warning the US Congress in 2002 that Saddam Hussein had “weapons of mass destruction” – including pursuing atomic bombs – which turned out not to exist at all.

Just last year, Netanyahu was urging the US and its Middle Eastern allies to take up the cause of war against Iran, emboldened by US President Donald Trump’s decision to pull out of the 2015 nuclear deal and re-impose crippling sanctions against Tehran, despite its compliance with the agreement.

However, the overt US killing of a military commander who was apparently very popular in Iran has provoked serious talk of retribution, not just in Tehran, but among Hezbollah – the Lebanese Shia militia that boasts of fighting Israel to a draw in 2006 – as well.

Netanyahu has had a tough 2019, clinging onto the post of PM in a purely technical mandate after two elections mere months apart delivered a hung Knesset and required an unprecedented third, coming this spring. Talking a tough game against Iran in order to get Israeli votes is one thing, but facing the real possibility of being the target of Iranian missiles is apparently quite another.

8 thoughts on “Netanyahu backs away from Soleimani assassination, warns ministers to ‘stay out’ of purely ‘American event’

  1. “The assassination of Soleimani isn’t an Israeli event but an American event. We were not involved and should not be dragged into it,”

    Bull f***ing shit! Your stranglehold on the united States of the Americas will soon be coming to an abrupt end you satanic son of a bitch!

  2. So you cajole Trump and his minions into killing that Iranian general (Epstein-ian blackmail? Just plain blackmail? Shabbos goy-ism? whatever) only to say Israel can’t get involved in this “American event” you and your Talmudic garbage caused…just another Talmudic garbage “800 gentile slaves per Jew” nonsense when what you really are implying is that your precious IDF–who can’t even defeat rock-throwing Palestinians let alone Hezbollah in 2006–are nothing but cowards! And, oh yeah, you and your “Jewish fingernails” that are more “worthy” than any of us “goyim”…. the only reason for me to go to Hell is to see Satan gnawing on your “Jewish fingernails”….

    1. ‘the only reason for me to go to Hell is to see Satan gnawing on your “Jewish fingernails”….

  3. “The Revolution won’t happen with guns, rather it will happen incrementally, year by year, generation by generation. We will gradually infiltrate their educational institutions and their political offices, transforming them slowly into Marxist entities as we move toward universal egalitarianism.”
    — Max Horkheimer, leading Jewish Marxist of Frankfurt School


  4. Lmfao, you just can’t make this up. The guy who for years has demanded that America attack every neighbor in the middle east including Iran. Of course he wants to stay out of it. That’s the game people. By way of deception thou shalt make war. They send stupid Americans to fight and die not Israelis. Well, you reap what you sow

  5. “Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu has reportedly warned his cabinet not to get too involved in the US murder of Iranian General Qassem Soleimani, lest Tel Aviv gets dragged into the escalating conflict between Washington and Tehran.

    “The assassination of Soleimani isn’t an Israeli event but an American event. We were not involved and should not be dragged into it,” Netanyahu reportedly told his security cabinet during a meeting on Monday, as cited by Israel’s Channel 13.”

    What a truly sick son of a bitch!!!

    The Satanic Zionist psychopath forces America to do his bidding and then tells his people that it is an American affair and not their affair. WTF!!!???


    Someone put a bullet in this maniac’s head already!

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