Netanyahu: ‘Low probability’ Israel will be drawn into Syria fighting

This World is Mad – Luis Manuel

Israeli authorities went out of their way on Thursday to calm fears of a regional war, even as military sources said they anticipated US-led intervention in Syria early next week.

“There is no need to change our routine at this time,” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in a YouTube video released Thursday(Hebrew link) of him speaking at the start of a meeting with defense officials at IDF headquarters in Tel Aviv. “Israel is prepared,” he said.  

Responding to reports of heightened IDF mobilization, including the deployment of additional missile-defense batteries to the north, Netanyahu suggested the steps were taken as a precaution.

“Despite the low probability that Israel will become involved in what is happening in Syria, we decided to deploy the Iron Dome batteries and other interception systems,” he said….

4 thoughts on “Netanyahu: ‘Low probability’ Israel will be drawn into Syria fighting

  1. Oh yeah. There will always be a low probability that Israel will be drawn into any fighting as long as the Americans are dumb enough to keep doing it for them.

  2. Israel will sit on the sidelines, laughing all the way to the bank, where a lot of that money stolen from Americans after the FALSE FLAG/INSIDE JOB of 9/11 MADOFF to.

    If we don’t destroy enough of Syria to satisfy those psychos, they’ll set off another False Flag on 9.11.13 which will be blamed on Syria.

  3. Of course the Jews won’t be fighting in this war….they’re leaving that up to American Gentiles to do the blood letting. As always the little Jew will be in the background…lurking in the shadows with an evil glint in his eye as he counts the coins in his purse knowing that everything was paid for by someone else.

  4. When has that AshkeNAZI trash EVER fought their own fights?

    (the Six Day War hardly counts, seeing as they had such a massive advantage with OUR military hardware, it was really no contest to begin with).

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