New Documentary Claims Hitler Died In 1965, Did Not Commit Suicide After WWII

Mediaite – by Anjali Sareen

According to director/producer Noam Shalevand researcher Pablo WeschlerAdolf Hitler lived out his last days in an luxurious Argentinian hotel, instead of committing suicide in a Berlin bunker as previously thought. Their new documentary, Hitler in Argentina, attempts to make their case and is set to be released next year.  

Shalev doesn’t claim to be 100 percent certain about his theory. “We will never know the truth,” he says. “But there is enough evidence to build an alternative theory about what happened to Hitler.”

Weschler adds, “No one believed the Russians’ story of Hitler’s suicide in the bunker. As early as the summer of 1945, there were headlines asking, ‘Where is Hitler?’ all over the world.”

Recently declassified FBI documents were the push to Shalev and Weschler to begin their film. They long believed that British intelligence officer and historian Hugh Trevor-Roper’s investigation into Hitler’s death was “unprofessional,” because Russian troops did not allow access to many forensic investigators.

“In those days, the FBI, not the CIA, was responsible for South America,” says Weschler. “And in declassified documents, we see that the FBI took very seriously the possibility that Hitler fled to Argentina.”

In fact, the FBI was so convinced of this possibility that they set up a special unit to investigate. Shalev and Weschler believe they can determine Hitler’s exact whereabouts after WWII. Italian journalist Patrick Burnside wrote a book entitled Hitler’s Escape about the dictator’s journey, and the pair used it as a guide.

“The Eden Hotel in La Falda, Cordoba [in Argentina] was owned by Ida and Walter Eichhorn, who were close friends of Hitler,” Weschler explains. “Hitler sent them a Mercedes Benz as a gift. It was the first Benz in Argentina.”

According to an FBI letter from September 1945, it was believed the Eichhorns would provide Hitler shelter if he ever needed it. Weschler also claims to have found former hotel employees who say they met Hitler and waited on him after the war.

The most important evidence to Shalev and Weschler comes in the form of DNA testing done on Hitler’s skill fragments in 2009, fragments that were recovered from the Berlin bunker.

“They showed that they couldn’t have been Hitler’s skull because they were from a woman under 40,” Weschler says. “The more you look into it, the less credible the official version becomes, and the more plausible an alternative theory seems.”

Watch below:

9 thoughts on “New Documentary Claims Hitler Died In 1965, Did Not Commit Suicide After WWII

  1. The Russians and the Americans both know that Britain managed to get out some high status names in the final days of Berlin and there is the idea that it was either Bormann or Hitler, maybe both who were brought out by Fleming and elite commandos through the sewers.

    I personally think the idea that Britain managed to survive post WWII because it grabbed Bormann and access through him to the Nazi fortunes is the more plausible, yet Hitler was not alone in having body doubles, Churchill was famous for his doubles as were other prominent people of that time so maybe Hitler did survive but to what? He had been diagnosed with pre-senile dementia I read somewhere and this certainly was showing in the last year of his rule.

  2. I’ve read claims that Hitler was spotted meandering around the ’64 Worlds Fair in NY.

    Wouldn’t doubt it for a minute.

  3. I believe it.
    I think Hitler, Bin Laden, Hussein, and probably Jim Morrison too are all sipping Pina Coladas on a South American beach.

    When someone dies there’s a big, stinking body covered with maggots and you can’t miss it. When they disappear without a trace, it means they escaped.

    1. Not Osama bin Had. I believe what Benazir Bhutto said about him in her live interview with David Frost in ’07 on the BBC, that he was killed by a man named Omar Sheik. i also believe that was the very reason the second assassination attempt didn’t fail. Thankfully it was a LIVE interview that some people recorded, otherwise we wouldn’t have this:

      Right around the 5 minute mark…………..

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