New House Intelligence chairman says no NSA reform needed, we’ll keep spying on Americans


The incoming House Intelligence chairman believes the National Security Agency reforms the House passed earlier this year were largely unnecessary.

Where’s the the outrage? Another govt. crony hired by the NSA/DHS to keep spying & lying to the public just like James Clapper did!
Devin Nunes was selected to lead the House Intelligence Committee in the next Congress with the retirement of current chairman Mike Rogers. His position on a number of issues, including NSA reform, wink, wink.

His office did not immediately respond to a request for comment about his views on the Senate version of the USA Freedom Act being debated this week, which would roll back govt. spying of Americans’ phone records.
Nunes voted in favor of the House version of the USA Freedom Act in May, along with Rogers and most other Republicans.
The legislation, however, lost support from a number of technology groups, outside advocates and Democrats when a compromised version hit the House floor.
Nunes previously said the House legislation was largely unnecessary but “should address all the concerns raised by press coverage of the Snowden leaks,” according to an op-ed he wrote in the National Review in July.
“For the last year, various groups have sought to curtail our intelligence activities based on selectively presented, maliciously leaked documents about anti-terror programs that are widely misunderstood and whose effects have been wildly exaggerated,” he wrote in the op-ed. 
His piece titled, “Don’t shackle the NSA now” was aimed at a separate amendment to a Defense appropriations bill that would require the government to get a warrant to search databases for information on U.S. citizens.
At the time, Nunes said the various NSA programs have been crucial in stopping dozens of terror attacks. And with the Middle East in turmoil, the United States should not retreat to a “pro-9/11 intel posture,” he said.
Nunes appears to see himself in the mode of his predecessor, Mike Rogers, who always viewed his key job as defending the NSA, rather than overseeing it. Second, the “oversight” claims have all been shown to be exaggerated in the past — and all three branches of government have also presented evidence of both widespread abuse and that these programs were illegal and/or unconstitutional.
Finally, the programs have not been shown to be crucial in stopping terror attacks, and each of the claims made saying that have been largely debunked — including the bomb plots Nunes names (which were debunked within days of first being claimed).
Nunes’ position says it all, F**K the Constitution & the public, we’re going to spy on you no matter what!

One thought on “New House Intelligence chairman says no NSA reform needed, we’ll keep spying on Americans

  1. So the Republican landslide is going to save us, right? The march of fascism left foot democrat, right foot republican. March forward with spying, wars, police state, helping the wealthy.

    Republicans blocked the bill to stop spying on Americans’ data. Saxby Chambliss said it was to stop “JIHAD”.

    Sen. Saxby Chambliss of Georgia, the ranking Republican on the Intelligence Committee, called the bill “totally flawed” and said the NSA needs the ability to sift through domestic calling records and hold them records. “We have under surveillance any number of Americans who are committed to jihad,” Chambliss said.

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