New House Speaker Releases ALL J6 Footage — And Videos Have Already Surfaced Showing Why They Were Suppressed

By thepoliticsbrief

Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) has kept his commitment to make all surveillance videos from January 6th available to the public.

The tapes are now available at the CHA Subcommittee Reading Room on the internet. Following a period of restricted release and failed attempts under his predecessor, former Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), Johnson made the decision to release them “all.”

“Today, I am keeping my promise to the American people and making all the January 6th tapes available to ALL Americans,” wrote Johnson.

It became readily apparent why the January 6 committee under Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s tenure had refused to release the footage.

Many videos have already surfaced that run contrary to the narrative that all of the Trump supporters who entered the capitol posed an existential threat to the country and were trying to “overturn the election.”

Previously unreleased footage shows the calm manner that many protesters displayed.

There were more examples of peaceful protesters near Capitol Police officers.

Perhaps most controversially of all, a protester was uncuffed and then fist bumps a Capitol Police officer in a hallway.

This just doesn’t feel “right.”

Of course, it goes without saying that there were violent rioters on January 6. The issue is that the rioters gave advance warning they were coming; there were agents provocateurs like Ray Epps and John Earle Sullivan; the FBI had monitored extremist groups for months ahead of January 6, even violating constitutional rights in the process; none of the protesters brandished a firearm in the Capitol building; there were no means to seize and to hold power in the face of the strongest military in the world, and then Commander-in-Chief Donald Trump would know that; a Time article on the shadowy cabal that “fortified” the election stated the there was already a narrative set in March 2020 that Trump would “incite” a riot if he lost the election; and despite warnings from intelligence and law enforcement, time and time again, requests for more National Guard, even from Donald Trump himself, fell on deaf ears.

Then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Then-Senate Majority Leader McConnell did nothing to secure the Electoral College, where they knew there would be objections to the states’ slates of electors. This process is what Donald Trump was actually advocating for and that is why he urged his actual supporters to “peacefully and patriotically” make their voices heard; meanwhile, there had already been suspect incursions at the capitol before his supporters could even make it from his speech to the Capitol building. It never added up. And that is why the videos had been suppressed.

2 thoughts on “New House Speaker Releases ALL J6 Footage — And Videos Have Already Surfaced Showing Why They Were Suppressed

  1. I’m sorry for any innocent ones who got caught up in this theater, but now, this “release,” oh the timing!! Shameless. Election years tend to do that. This whole thing is SCREAMING: VOTE FOR TRUMP!! How they don’t know that we see through this is beyond me. But maybe they do know and they do it for those who don’t see through it or choose NOT to see through it. Basically, it’s an insult to our intelligence.


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