New Intel: Communist China providing automatic weapons to Antifa, Black Lives Matter… some stored in democrat-run government buildings including East End Complex Capitol building in Sacramento – Block 174

Terrorism – by Mike Adams

We have bombshell new intel to share with you today that connects some recent dots on the emerging violence (and civil war attempt) from Black Lives Matter, the militant terrorism wing of the Democrat party.

Summary of what you’ll find in this article:

  • Communist China is supplying full auto AR-15 “mods” to Black Lives Matter militants in America, and a shipment was recently interdicted by Customer and Border Protection (CBP).
  • California Gov. Newsom is involved in a trillion-dollar money laundering operation with communist China to keep him in power. He’s funneling taxpayer money to China, and they are laundering it and funneling money back to him. (See Los Angeles Times link below.)
  • Using the laundered money, Gov. Newsom is stockpiling automatic weapons, ammunition and gold in the underground storage complex at 1616 Capitol Ave. in Sacramento, the East End Complex building – block 174. (Sourced from a former employee who worked there.)
  • Gov. Newsom is plotting with China to have communist troops invade America (via California and other states) and to overrun and occupy the United States, turning it over to communist Chinese rule.
  • China’s EMP weapons, developed using technology stolen from the USA, are planned to be the first wave “Pearl Harbor” event that sets it all off. (Official report to the White House, see link below, or visit ).
  • Obama helped set up a civilian military force using Operation Fast and Furious gun smuggling to arm the narcos. (Full timeline link below.)
  • Those same narcos are now trained by communist Chinese military instructors and are prepared to invade America with the aid of heavy weapons. (DHS sources via Hodges, link below.)
  • The civil war America is facing won’t be lightly-armed “soy boys,” but rather heavily armed, full-auto wielding Black Lives Matter militants, Mexican narco gangs and communist Chinese troops operating under the protection of Gov. Newsom.
  • Hundreds of companies across corporate America are now directly funding or overtly supporting Black Lives Matter terrorists as part of this civil war effort to destroy America. See the full list of 269 companies here.

We begin with the recent news that China was caught attempting to smuggle “10,800 assault weapons parts” into Louisville, Kentucky. This news was announced by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) on June 26, 2020:

At the Express Consignment Operations hubs in Louisville U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officers seized a shipment from China that contained over 10,000 Assault Weapons parts being smuggled into the country.

The shipment was seized on May 22. Officers inspected the item, which was arriving from Shenzhen, China, destined for a residence in Melbourne, Florida. The parcel was manifested as containing 100 Steel Pin Samples. This is a common practice of smugglers manifesting the contraband as a harmless or a legitimate commodity in hopes of eluding further examination.

The official CBP announcement did not offer any specifics on what exactly the “assault weapons parts” were, but we have since learned from another source that the parts were drop-in full-auto mods for AR-15 rifles.

Read the rest here: Terrorism

6 thoughts on “New Intel: Communist China providing automatic weapons to Antifa, Black Lives Matter… some stored in democrat-run government buildings including East End Complex Capitol building in Sacramento – Block 174

  1. I do not trust Mike Adams. But there is data about incoming and outgoing flights using various Chinese and private and other aircraft from China to the US and vice versa on FlightAware:
    FlightAware has been referenced on other posts on various sites regarding that CBP capture of weapons parts and Melbourne. Florida as well as Louisville, directly from Shenzen, China.

    Adams may be doing his usual fearmongering, but FlightAware does show many flights to and from Shenzen, China and other Chinese cities.

  2. If you remember the story about a shit load of found weapon parts being shipped in :

    Maybe now we can get this party started ?

  3. Don’t doubt for one second that the commies who preach gun control and tell people they shouldn’t have guns don’t themselves arm to the teeth. They don’t really believe no one should have guns, just that WE shouldn’t. Yes, I agree let’s get this party started!

  4. The mask of the movement is the children and youth. Peace, love, unity, anti-racism and and a brave new world order.

    But it is upside down world and all those things are EXACTLY the opposite of what it really is.

    They will not be able to subjugate the populace by force with that ideology and will not be the means they attempt to do it with.

  5. Flight aware can be manipulated big time, who knows what the hell the real truth is. I wouldn’t trust flight aware info, thats a fact. Just because you see a plane on a computer screen doesn’t mean shit. Easily generated by a computer expert

    You can fake that song and dance easy.

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