The Coronavirus Transformation Ritual

James Fetzer – by Art Olivier

Secret societies have used initiation rituals for millennia. The goal is to transform the initiate into a useful member of their society. Whether it is the Mafia, Freemasons or witches, the process is similar; the initiate is separated from his normal day-to-day routine. He is told where he can go and what he can do. His mind is cleared of his previous life and he is forced into a new normal. The director of the ritual controls what the initiate perceives by controlling information and repeating certain phrases.

The news uses repetition in convincing us that we must conform to a new normal as well as the current TV commercials that repeat a variation of “In these uncertain times, while the distance between us has grown, we can still stay connected in the safety of our home. We can all get through this together.”

The initiate may be required to sacrifice things he once held dear in order to receive the transformation.  The pandemic is forcing us to sacrifice our personal and economic freedoms.

The Encyclopedia of Witches, Witchcraft and Wicca states “Initiation is a rite or Ritual that marks the psychological or spiritual crossing of a threshold into new territories, knowledge, and abilities. Initiation brings a sense of attainment and accomplishment and effects subtle changes deep within the psyche in terms of how an individual perceives herself or himself. The central theme to initiation is suffering, death, and rebirth. The initiate undergoes an ordeal, symbolically dies, and is symbolically reborn as a new person, possessing new wisdom.”

See the pics and read the rest here:

One thought on “The Coronavirus Transformation Ritual

  1. From Biderman’s Chart Of Coercion, to Witches, Witchcraft and Wicca, we are being handled like dogs.
    Dog training manuals spell out these techniques as effective methods to have a happy and well mannered dog.
    Joke’s on them, I’m a big pussy! 🙂

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