High School students in Orange County must take an electrocardiogram test this year to play in sports.
This is a new requirement.
This seems a bit strange?
Could it have anything to do with the vaccines?
Via The Orange County Public Schools.
Students who plan to participate in OCPS Athletics programs must complete a physical each year.
NEW for the 2021-22 school year, electrocardiogram (ECG) screenings are REQUIRED for high school students wishing to participate in athletic programs. ECG screenings help identify athletes who are at risk for sudden cardiac arrest which is the leading cause of death in athletics.
ECGs will be required of all high school student-athletes prior to the start of their 2021-2022 FHSAA season. Through local medical providers and organizations, ECGs will be offered on high school campuses.
Please see the listings on the right of this page for more information.
Below you can find the required OCPS Physical Forms for the current school year.
Same seen in Virginia
A friend sent me a post of a pediatrician office regarding sports physicals. To paraphrase- “If you got the jab, we will not perform your physical “
The proverbial 10′ pole they won’t use to touch the truth due to consequences but readily use to push the lie because of the benefits!