3 thoughts on “NEW – Shellenberger says Ireland is “the test case for the next phase of the global crackdown by military intelligence forces.”

  1. Some times lessons don’t sink in and have to be taught again and the I.R.A. has a long memory and were good teachers. If not them then another group but I know the Irish people aren’t going to fall in line as easy as the wannabe masters think.

  2. This guy wants us to send a message to the politicians and the police. Surrrrre, that’ll help save Ireland. I think I’ll watch ‘Gangs of New York’ this weekend.


  3. Says the word “fight” at least a couple of times but then says “we have to send a message”. If that’s metaphorical then ok I suppose. If it’s not then this is as useless as all the other “informational” videos & articles out there because words will NEVER bring down your enemy on the battlefront!

    PS. Is “Shellenberger” a German name or a jewish one?

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