New York City proposal seeks ban on electronic cigarette use in public

ECIG.jpgNow I use one of these and the statement that these could cause people to get hooked on nicotine is false. You can get 0% nicotine liquid to put in them. Although I’m not 100% convinced that vapor is that good for you eather I do feel better when using that rather than smoking cigarettes.

Fox News

New Yorkers who say electronic cigarettes helped them quit smoking asked city lawmakers at a hearing this week not to ban the nicotine inhalers from restaurants, workplaces and other indoor spaces, saying there isn’t enough evidence they pose a health risk to justify their exclusion.  

“The facts are that this isn’t smoking,” Jesse Gaddis, a representative from Brooklyn-based Bedford Slims, an e-cigarette company, toldThe New York Post as he exhaled wasps of white mist during his testimony. “This is vapor.”

Another attendee at Wednesday’s meeting said, “These people would try to get you to prohibit penicillin … if there was grant money in it.”

Public health officials have asked the City Council to enact legislation that would add e-cigs to the 12-year-old law that drove smokers out of the city’s taverns, nightclubs and office buildings, and forced them to satisfy their nicotine habits on the frigid (or broiling) sidewalks.

Today, the sight of someone puffing away indoors is somewhat shocking in New York, but it is becoming more common again as electronic cigarettes become more popular. Proponents of a ban told the council’s health committee that e-cigs are threatening to undermine one of the key benefits of the original smoking ban, which was to make it socially unacceptable to smoke indoors.

“Waiting to act could jeopardize the progress we’ve made in the last 12 years,” said the city’s health commissioner, Dr. Thomas Farley. He also said that electronic cigarettes make enforcement of the rules against tobacco smoking more difficult, since the two products look so much alike.

Farley added that too little was known about electronic cigarettes to say whether they are safe to use, or whether they actually help people quit smoking for good.

The hearing featured entrepreneurs who have invested in e-cigarette companies, advocacy groups that argued both for and against the proposed ban, and so called “vapers,” or people who have traded lungfuls of tobacco smoke for the less odorous puffs of vaporized liquid nicotine given off by the battery-powered electronic cigarettes.

Some puffed on the devices as they testified, and talked about how much healthier they have felt since giving up tobacco.

Health advocates have raised concerns that the inhalers, which have soared in popularity, can get people hooked on nicotine just like cigarettes, and might be taken up by people who have never smoked before, rather than only people trying to quit.

4 thoughts on “New York City proposal seeks ban on electronic cigarette use in public

  1. Do these tyrannical bastards in NYC just look for stuff to ban just to keep the courts open or something? I’ve never seen a place on this planet that wanted to nanny their populace like the corruption gang in NYC.

  2. I never thought I would give up smoking because I enjoyed it so much these past thirty years, but the UK government just got so greedy for the taxes (about $10 per pack). I gave up in the end because I’ve given them enough of my money. TAX THE RICH!!!

    I couldn’t have done it without nicotine replacement though, so products like these e-cigarettes are a good idea. I’ve saved maybe twenty-two hundred dollars since last October and it has bought me some quality survival gear and other good stuff.

  3. Saw an article recently that told of instances of these e-cigarettes actually exploding.

    Sticking to my Marlboros, thank you very much.

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