New Zealand: 56,000 guns handed over during amnesty

BBC News

More than 56,000 weapons have been handed to authorities in New Zealand during a six-month amnesty, police say.

The buy-back scheme was launched when authorities banned semi-automatic weapon in response to the killing of 51 people at two mosques in Christchurch.

The ban was agreed by parliament weeks after the 15 March shootings – the worst in modern times in New Zealand.

Australian Brenton Tarrant, a self-proclaimed white supremacist, has been charged and faces trial next year.

Was the programme a success?

The scheme was launched in April.

In return for handing in the firearms, owners were compensated up to 95% of the original price of the weapons.

The programme ended on 20 December with police hailing the amnesty as a success.

“We have taken well over 50,000 of these guns out of our community. That’s got to be a good thing,” said Police Minister Stuart Nash.

However the amnesty has faced some criticism from some groups including the Council of Licensed Firearms Owners.

The group’s spokeswoman Nicole McKee told the New Zealand Herald that she believed there were 170,000 prohibited guns in the country.

Speaking about gun owners, she said: “Some of them are going to hide their firearms, some of them are protecting history and some of them – a good portion of them – don’t know what’s going on.”

In 2016, New Zealand Police estimated that there were 1.2 million legal firearms owned by civilians – which equates to around one for every four people.

What happened in Christchurch?

On 15 March, Brenton Tarrant attacked the Al Noor mosque and Linwood Islamic Centre in Christchurch.

He is charged with the murder of 51 people, 40 counts of attempted murder and one terrorism charge.

The gunman was armed with semi-automatic rifles, and is believed to have modified his weapons with high-capacity magazines so they could hold more bullets.

He pleaded not guilty to all charges and is expected to face trial next year.

11 thoughts on “New Zealand: 56,000 guns handed over during amnesty

  1. And the commies expect us to be good New Zealander’s and turn guns in. Can’t the people on the planet see that they the devil joo’s and their minions want everyone disarmed except their thug joo licking commie force to keep the plebes in line.

    They’ll have to shoot me first before I’d give them my protection.

  2. “What happened in Christchurch?”

    A crappy cgi less than video game quality hoax attack was created so their avowed eating-an-apple-through-a-chainlink-fence socialist prime minister could convince their sheeple to disarm themselves so they could be less of a threat to their further totalitarianism.

    Those that turned them in fell for the ol’ banana in the tailpipe shtick.

    1. “What happened in Christchurch?”

      When I saw that question I says, who cares.

      But I simply adore your answer as to what really happened there.

      Simply another fear tactic to disarm the planet.

      Screw ’em!!

      1. 🙂 Thank you, Katie. Their little “factoids” they add into their spiel is nauseating. The word “spiel” btw can be literally applied to everything they are doing with this crap!

  3. 50,000 eh ?
    Sorry you fkers always lie , so pardon me for thinking this is just more of the same

    And if you thought for 1 second that this psyop was going to change my stance on my god given right
    I have this for ya ,,,,, Hahahaha nice fckin try losers

    And all I have to say for any of you NZ ‘rs that possibly played along
    You signed up for your full enslavement and I find it hard to have your back

  4. “We have taken well over 50,000 of these guns out of our community. That’s got to be a good thing,” said Police Minister Stuart Nash.”

    Not for the dummies that gave them up.

    “Speaking about gun owners, she said: “Some of them are going to hide their firearms, some of them are protecting history and some of them – a good portion of them – don’t know what’s going on.”

    You’re f$&ked when they DO figure it out.

    I’d venture that there’s also a good portion that are ready, willing & able to shoot any of the treasonous king’s men DEAD ON THE SPOT for attempting to STEAL their weapons.

    1. Good morning, Ed.
      I have had a gun and many others thereafter since I was six years old. I grew up in a gun culture. Everybody has a gun and always has. And in my 58 years, never have I ever even once, seen a buried gun do anything but be buried. When you bury it, you might as well have handed it over because the intent to use it is lost to the shovel. All that someone who buries a gun that doesn’t keep a gun above ground with the ammunition and the intent to use it, making the buried gun a stash for movement, isn’t going to use that f-king buried gun. When you bury it, you make it useless and they will call themselves tactical patriots. It is f-king laughable.
      I’m going to tell you a little secret. I don’t think the zionists are afraid of guns buried in the ground. When you bury a gun you are hiding it, and when it comes to that you have already proven you are too yella to use it. It disgusts me.

  5. What a bunch of cunts, they deserve whatever happens to them for being so pussyfied be it a true number or distorted. Anyone who buckles on their gun rights has no right to life, liberty nor happiness; they are a cancer on us all for throwing their hands in the air.

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