As 2A Sanctuaries Spread, Gun Control Groups Warn Of Consequences

The Captain’s Journal – by Herschel Smith

News from Virginia.

ROANOKE, Va (WDBJ7) From Bedford to Botetourt, Second Amendment Sanctuaries have been popping up across Virginia. The resolutions are largely symbolic, designed to send a message to state government.

But Eric Tirschwell worries the Sanctuaries could do some real world harm.

“These resolutions are nothing more than an attempt to short-circuit the Democratic process,” he said.

Tirschwell is Managing Director of Litigation and National Enforcement Policy at Everytown for Gun Safety, a gun control advocacy group. He says he’s sounding the alarm now because of the rapid spread of the sanctuaries across Virginia and beyond.

“If these folks actually follow through on what at this point is really just a threat to not enforce laws, that’s where I think the real danger will reveal itself,” he said.

Tirschwell argues the resolutions are problematic for a number of reasons, most importantly, he says, because they put lives at risk.

“These resolutions could have, and threaten to have, a chilling effect on people who might otherwise use, or take advantage of gun safety laws to try to prevent harm, like a suicide, a homicide or even a mass shooting,” he said.

However, gun rights organizers say Tirshwell and other critics are missing the message.

2nd Amendment Sanctuary movement continues to grow

In statements to city and county governments across our region, citizens have argued that the resolutions are about making the Governor and House of Delegates pay attention. “Because we don’t have a voice at the state level. We only have a voice at the local level,” said one man at a Pulaski Board of Supervisors meeting.

Supporters also say the movement is chiefly about standing up for Constitutional rights.

“Don’t let Botetourt County be culpable in the death of liberties and freedoms,” said another man to the Botetourt County Board of Supervisors.

Tirschwell takes issue with that, noting laws frequently decried by gun rights activists, like expanded background checks and so-called red flag laws, have been upheld in the courts.

“These officials aren’t quote-unquote defending the Constitution, as they like to say. They’re really threatening to defy it, and to substitute their own personal views of what’s constitutional,” he said.

Tirschwell says, for now, any threat posed by the resolutions is purely theoretical. However, he warns any officials who try to use the resolutions to defy state gun control laws could have a rude wakening.

“I wouldn’t suggest betting on them,” he said.

Everytown also had a hissy fit in a recent press release, saying “the gun lobby is hypocritically encouraging law enforcement to ignore the rule of law in defense of their extreme and dangerous interpretation of the Constitution.”

“Chilling.”  “Dangerous.”  But to listen to the Virginia AG, also a controller, and his interpretive legions in academia, these county laws have no effect and are irrelevant.

So which is it?  Are they chilling and dangerous, or are they completely ineffectual?

They can’t make their mind up because they fear CWII.  They know it, and we know it.  You can blame it all on them.  Any blood spilled will be on their hands.  All the controllers had to do to ensure peace and stability was leave people alone.

That … a controller cannot do.  Can a Leopard change its spots?  Neither are they able to do good, being accustomed to doing evil (Jeremiah 13:23).  They know enough to warn of the consequences, but are unable to change their own behavior.  But those consequences may not work out the way they had planned.

The Captain’s Journal


4 thoughts on “As 2A Sanctuaries Spread, Gun Control Groups Warn Of Consequences

  1. Hmmm, maybe someone should find out who votes to for the anti-constitutional legislation and publish their names and addresses like they were doing with gun owners

    1. Every person who pretends to vote gives consent to traitors to rule over US and is equally culpable in committing sedition and treason against the Bill of Rights by supporting an occupying enemy govt.

      A current list of registered traitors should suffice. No need to waste time separating the d’s, r,s or any other letters. The only thing that needs to be separated is their heads from their bodies.

  2. There are countless articles and commentators and pundits who fence and tangle, who tumble and roll the slogans and platitudes of gun control, civilian disarmament, public safety, gun violence epidemics, commonsense restrictions, loopholes, Second Amendment rights and other sophisticated and nuanced and ultimately irrelevant sophistries that dance around and completely avoid the blunt and brutally honest point of lethal, military grade weapons in the hands of civilians.

    They are in those hands for one purpose, and one purpose only.

    That purpose is cold, unmistakable and ruthless.

    It is to enable free men and women to rise up and butcher tyrants with gunfire.

    Free men have an inherent and sacred right to overthrow and kill the tyrants that brutalize and oppress them. When free men are armed with lethal military grade weapons that right is backed by a dramatic and unstoppable power.

    That power is what the politicians who drive the American nation towards scores of trillions of dollars of debt lie awake worrying about, and why they posture and preen and celebrate any opportunistic chance to dance in the blood of the murdered with wailing cries of “we must do something” before the gunfire has even stopped.

    That power is what today’s blithering and ridiculous social justice warriors are terrified of. For all their well-publicized concern about rape and so-called “rape culture”, they cynically ignore the most important type of rape as applied to the freedom and dignity of human beings.

    “Rape is about power”, they say, “not about sex”.

    “It’s about taking someone’s power away from them without their consent.”

    Gun control is the very definition of rape. ~Ivan Throne

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