Newtown Parents Head Back To Washington DC New Gun Control Push ROUND 2

John Friend

“…we are committed, completely committed, to seeing this through – for all the changes that help eliminate the causes of gun violence.”
– Nicole Hockley, family member of a Sandy Hook “shooting” victim

“And we’re not going away, we’re not going away. This mother’s heartbreak that I carry, this life sentence that I have… no one should ever bear this burden.”
– another family member of a Sandy Hook “shooting” victim in the video above

This is a perfect example of scripted actors being presented in the media as “grieving family members” turned anti-gun lobbyists to perpetuate the Sandy Hook “shooting” PSYOP designed to entice Americans to willingly give up their guns.

Do you see why it is important to expose media fakery and PSYOPS? I will be discussing the Sandy Hook “shooting” PSYOP with Sofia Smallstorm this coming Monday, June 17th at 6pm PST. Stay tuned for details.

14 thoughts on “Newtown Parents Head Back To Washington DC New Gun Control Push ROUND 2

  1. OMG! GET OVER IT!! Newtown happened months ago. NO ONE CARES ANYMORE! GET OVER IT!

    Are the parents of the Colorado massacre and Boston Marathon going to come forward after months later, too? I mean really. Everyone knows these were false flag attacks and not real.


    Your acting sucks and your fake Sandy Hook movie sucked. This is why no on in Hollywood wants you anymore Your acting career is over. MOVE ON, PLEASE! YAWN!

  2. “Like a bad penny that keeps popping back up again.”

    “Like an ugly turd that just won’t flush.”

    Anyone got anything else? lol

      1. Agreed. 🙂
        MAIG is being very tight-lipped about their 100 day, 25 state bus tour, that’s kicking off tomorrow in Newtown. They are Not releasing an itinerary. I read that they are only going to “announce each town less than a week before visiting.” Guess they’re worried about the “Warm Reception” they’d receive, if people knew too far in advance. 😉

        1. It’s sickening that Bloomberg insists upon financing this “Traitorous Mayors against the 2nd amendment” , but if they come to a town near me, I’ll be “heckling” my heart out!

          1. It is only entertainment and a power trip for bloomberg to finance something like this.

          2. A member of the PA Firearm Owners Assoc. put out word that the only way to find the Schedule is, to go to and sign up to be notified when they are “coming to a town near you”. Members plan to spread the word so they too, can give them a “Warm Welcome”.
            Seems MAIG is only notifying their supporters via email, texts, and phone calls.

          3. Gee…for MSM polls saying that people want gun control and for people who claim to be in the majority, you’d think they would be more than willing to give out any information, don’t you think, Angel?

          4. LOL, NC. 🙂 You’d think so, wouldn’t you.
            Passing on a little “Intel.”, so Everyone can greet them. 😉

  3. Wow. Maybe this time they’ll show us all those heart-wrenching photos of all those poor dead childrens.

    1. In this neck of the woods, “They” have made it very clear that, “That will never happen.” (interviews and publicity, ad nauseum)

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