NYC Restaurants to Ban Cuomo from Dining

The Coney Island Blog

Struggling restaurant owners city-wide are permanently banning New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo from setting foot into their establishments.

Effective immediately.

According to bar owner Larry Baird “ He can eat at some shitty roadside diner outside of Albany but he will not be served anywhere in New York City, known universally as the world’s greatest dining destination! If he has to use the restroom he can go pee on my street-corner! That’s what he wants anyway!” 

Former life long Coney Island resident Val Torre said that he’s finally moving to Florida. “It’s 70 degrees every day. My Coney Island childhood friends have all retired to Florida now! All the restaurants and bars are open and the grannies live!”

Many members of the Facebook Group NYC Restaurants Open applaud the Executive Order banning Cuomo from being served at all New York City establishments. One member stated “Completely schizophrenic behavior! How are they coming up with these rules is beyond any logical reasoning”

Another furious lifelong New York resident exclaimed “ He can dine at Gracie Mansion if he wants hospitality in Manhattan. He ain’t getting it here!”

No word yet from the Governor’s Office on how Cuomo feels about the lifetime ban.

The Coney Island Blog

11 thoughts on “NYC Restaurants to Ban Cuomo from Dining

  1. Former life long Coney Island resident Val Torre said that he’s finally moving to Florida. “It’s 70 degrees every day. My Coney Island childhood friends have all retired to Florida now! All the restaurants and bars are open and the grannies live!”

    You sure about that?

    You probably didn’t get the memo that you have to wear a mask 24/7 indoors and outdoors in Florida or the undercover stasi will fine or arrest you and I think some places even have a curfew. So I don’t know how Florida is any different than NYC at this time.

    1. No, I am afraid your are wrong, in north florida, Jacksonville, there is a city mandate to wear mask inside businesses. Although most people are masked, I choose not to and have not been harassed or arrested. I have noticed more people going maskless. I do believe people are awakening.Businesses are relaxing restrictions because they are desperate to make money. After Christmas it will be enforced more, I am sure. Enjoy what freedoms we have left they are quickly slipping away. Be prepared for whats coming.Merry Christmas Trenchers.

  2. So, they are banning Cuomo from their restaurants. Good for them. I like this Turning-Of-The-Tables tactic. May it spread. Next banning them from hotels. Could catch on.

    On a side note… It was great to wake up to the comments here today. So funny, I laughed out loud. And so insightful.

    Had a vision, or maybe it was a Christmas wish: They’ll probably ban New Years at Times Square where millions gather to watch the ball drop. But the vision was of millions actually filing in to fill the Square, defying orders to not celebrate; orders to kill tradition and joy. Go east coast!! 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 —-> FREE!!! Happy New Year!!!!



        1. I do, Katie. With candle lit and a glass of champagne in hand. And if I could, I’d hold the mistletoe over all Trenchers right now (grin).


          1. It’s just that they’ve stolen so much, Katie. I ain’t giving them my Christmas and New Years. That’s messin’ with my soul. Damn them!!


  3. Well no, that is useless. All businesses, People, anyone, DO NOT do any kind of business, DO NOT supply, DO NOT allow any deliveries to any government department. Blockade them and this stupidity will stop. One other thing, invoke that your doing this in the name of “black lives matter” or “antifa” and the media will be on your side and you’ll be protected by those you appose.

  4. They should line up outside his home and not allow him out , or anything in for about 6 months
    Tell him it’s to “flatten the curve “

    Post armed guards outside his door and give them shoot on site orders
    Because that’s how you treat a tyrant and a traitor

    He’s just another bag of skin and bones
    He holds no special powers

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