6 thoughts on “Obama called “war criminal” & “hypocrite of the century” in Irish Parliament

  1. Go Ireland. For the first time in my life I am proud that a ratio of Irish blood flows within my body. Can we elect her as our next foreign born president? Too bad there is no response.

    1. ….wow!…an accurate and defensible opinion out of the mouth of a politician…wow…just..wow!

      Go Irish!


      RJ O’Guillory
      Webster Groves-The Life of an Insane Family

    1. Never ever trust a politicion #1, I just don`t care, a politicion is untrustworthy, there is no such a animal as a trustworthy politicion.

      1. Never said she could be trusted, digger. I simply said she was intelligent, as in enough to speak the truth.

        1. Yes #1, I know, and you are correct. I was going to add to my comment but I got distracted last night. It was one of those bad days yesterday for me 🙂

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