Obama Heckled at White House LGBT Event

White House Dossier – by Keith Koffler

I’m not really sure I’ve ever seen a president heckled in the White House. And President Obama, quite properly, was having none of it.

Obama was speaking during a White House LGBT event when someone from the LGBTQ group Get Equal named Jennicet Gutierrez began interrupting him. Q, um, is for “questioning.” 

She is described by ABC News as “transgender and undocumented” – uh oh, lots of possible angles here – and “shouting claims about bad detention conditions for LGBTQ immigrants in the United States.”

Obama handled the situation with aplomb. Sometimes he overindulges hecklers, IMO. But this time, he calmly but firmly had the person shown the door.

From the pool report:

The president seemed less patient than usual and quickly asked the heckler, who your pooler could hear but not see, to leave.

“Hold on a sec,” said Obama. “Ok. You know what. Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah. No, no, no, no. Hey, listen, you are in my house,” he added, to cheers from the audience.

“You know know what? It’s not respectful when you get invited to somebody [‘s house]. You are not going to get a good response from me by interrupting me like this. Shame on you, you shouldn’t be doing this.”

As the crowd also became impatient and began booing and sshing the heckler, Obama had the heckler removed.

“Can we escort this person out? Can we have this person removed please,” said the president.

“As a general rule, I am just fine with a few hecklers but not when I am up in the house,” he added to laughter from the crowd. “If you are eating the hors d’oeuvres, know what I’m sayin’?, and drinking the booze . . . I know that’s right.”

Frankly, I’m surprised the Secret Service wasn’t on this a little more quickly. Or maybe I’m not.

Here’s another angle.


9 thoughts on “Obama Heckled at White House LGBT Event

    1. Exactly Sharon ~ that is the peoples house NOT his house yet no one in the room had the balls to say so.

  1. My Fellow Americans:

    LGBT – Another Zionist-Jew/Bolshevik/Communist tactic of perversion and moral corruption to destroy nations from within.

    G-arbage &

    That is what LGBT really stands for.

    JD – US Marines – A moral and prosperous nation can NOT be destroyed from within. Solution! – Destroy the prosperity and morilty,… enter stage left,… the LGBT Brigade.


  2. Just a side-thought, but were I a Secret Service agent, not in my WILDEST dreams could I imagine ‘taking a bullet’ for ANY politico of the last several admins’…………..

  3. ““Hold on a sec,” said Obama. “Ok. You know what. Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah. No, no, no, no. Hey, listen, you are in my house,” he added, to cheers from the audience.”

    Your house??? No! OUR HOUSE you piece of trash. Cheers from the audience= the sheep bleeted.


    1. That is what I thought when he said you’re in MY house,it is NOT you’re house it’s the peoples house and don’t you forget it!

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