Obama to hold Ferguson meetings at White House

President Barack Obama is pictured. | AP PhotoDidn’t get quite the level of violence they were hoping for?

Politico – by Kendall Breitman

President Barack Obama is holding three meetings on Monday to discuss issues relating to unrest in Ferguson, Missouri.

According to the White House schedule, the first afternoon meeting will be a talk with members of Obama’s Cabinet “to discuss federal programs and funding that provide equipment to the state and local enforcement agencies.” Vice President Joe Biden will also be in attendance.  

Obama is then scheduled to meet with local and national civil rights leaders.

The third session will take place among elected officials, law enforcement officials and community and faith leaders “to discuss how communities and law enforcement can work together to build trust to strengthen neighborhoods across the country.”

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2014/12/obama-ferguson-white-house-meetings-113226.html#ixzz3KfK3oxFT

2 thoughts on “Obama to hold Ferguson meetings at White House

  1. I can see it now, Obama, Holder and their stooge Al Sharpton sitting around asking how can they get blacks to burn down American cities? This is critical to them and their communist plans for the USA…..it has been widely reported that people arrested looting & burning in Ferguson weren’t locals – they were bused in – and who would do such a thing? Obama and Holder of course!!
    They tried to ignite blacks over that Travon kid in Florida – didn’t happen…now in Ferguson it’s like TRY HARDER……..and that is no doubt their agenda..sad times in America – a communist in the WH….

  2. “Obama is then scheduled to meet with local and national civil rights leaders”

    Jesse & Louis. Jesse is fast losing his fan base, though.

    What little he has left.

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