Obamacare premiums will rise in 2015

HHS says premiums for the most popular type of plan will go up an average of 5 percent in 35 states where the federal government is running the health insurance exchanges.New York Daily News

Obama administration officials are acknowledging that HealthCare.gov premiums, on average, will go up next year.

But the same officials say most current customers can still save money if they are willing to shop around a competitive marketplace.

In a report released Thursday, the Health and Human Services Department says premiums for the most popular type of plan will go up an average of 5 percent in 35 states where the federal government is running the health insurance exchanges.  

However, the administration says more insurers are participating in the marketplace this year.

About two-thirds of current customers can still find coverage comparable to what they have now for $100 a month or less if they shop around. That’s taking into account the tax credits that most consumers are eligible for.


7 thoughts on “Obamacare premiums will rise in 2015

  1. There are plenty of people who do not qualify for subsidies who cannot afford these premiums. The older you are, the premiums rise dramatically, even if you are a healthy person who does not smoke and who takes care of him/herself and has no chronic conditions requiring regular doctor visits. The money to buy these premiums doesn’t just materialize out of thin air. The money is probably going towards healthy foods and lifestyle so you don’t need the medical care in the first place. By forcing people like this to buy health insurance, you are ironically robbing them of the means to take care of themselves. Stupid.

  2. The tax…..errrrr….”penalties” rise each year, so it’s no surprise that the ludicrous premiums and/or deductibles do as well. The Republicans keep saying that they won’t “take power” until January, yet I honestly don’t see a single one of them doing anything to repeal the Obummercare law. As it has been said many times during the trenches weekday shows, once a law is passed, the excuse of “it would impossible to remove now!” is put forth. Anyone who believes that the Republic will be restored without a fight is a fool.

  3. Nobody is signing up to pay hundreds of dollars every month to insurance companies so they have to raise the rates on the suckers who did sign up. They assured us that rates would drop if more people signed up, so the opposite must be true as well.

  4. What premiums?

    I am not a communist so I dont pay obamacare premiums. Sounds real sh!tty though. I feal bad for the fools who do.

    Go fund the criminals with your taxes. bow down to the government d!ck. Go vote for your ruler in chief. Ill be over here, free and independent.

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