2 thoughts on “Miriam Carey Story is Staged

  1. Miriam Carey could have been hired, under the impression that she was going to participate in the drill. When you have a single victim, often “drills” can go live. No actor to protest the authenticity of the event if they are killed. Conspiracies are possible because only a few people need to be in the know. The rest will follow by herd mentality. Having said all of that I would have to agree, the “family members” had tale-tale signs of lying. Watch the body language, eyes in particular. Looking off to the side when talking, blinking often, dramatic facial expressions….

  2. Never bought this story as there were way too many holes and “facts” that were inconsistent and parallelled the other hoaxes. The drill being simultaneously counducted was a flag enough but when you throw in the rest of the bs and the previous history of the feds it is a done deal. She is merely the first White House fence jumper.

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