Obama’s Benghazi LIES Don’t Add Up

The National Patriot – by Craig Andersen


Monday, in a joint press conference with the British Prime Minister, Barack Hussein Obama was asked about Banghazi. In his pointed and in a voice laced with disgust, the Dictator stated:  

“How does a cover up work if, just 3 days afterSusan Rice did 5 Sunday shows blaming the You Tube video, He SENT Michael Mullens to Capitol Hill to make it CLEAR that Benghazi  was a terrorist attack?”

How indeed???

Let’s examine the veracity of that statement shall we?

9/11/12 – Terrorist attacks occur in Benghazi and 4 Americans die.

9/12/12 – After the Rose Garden speech and before leaving for Las Vegas…Obama tapes a 60 Minutes interview with Steve Kroft.

Kroft: Mr. President, this morning you went out of your way to avoid the use of the word terrorism in connection with the Libya attack. Do you believe that this was a terrorist attack?

Obama: Well it’s too early to know exactly how this came about, what group was involved, but obviously it was an attack on Americans.

Hmmmmm…So we know that he DIDN’T call it terrorism the day after the attacks regardless of HOW many time he says he DID!!!

Let’s continue…

9/12/12 –  Secretary Clinton and President Obama issue statements condemning both the video and the attacks.

9/13/12 – Press Secretary Jay Carney condemns video and violence at a news conference.

9/14/12 – Carney denies Administration had “actionable intelligence indicating that an attack on the U.S. mission in Benghazi was planned or imminent.”

9/14/12 – The bodies of slain Americans return to Andrews Air Force Base. President Obama again blames the YouTube video.

9/16/12 – U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice appears on Sunday talk shows and says the attacks were provoked by the video, exclusively.

9/16/12 – Libyan President Mohamed Magarief says, “no doubt that this [attack] was preplanned, predetermined.”

9/17/12 – State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland refuses to call attacks an act of terror.

9/18/12 – Here Barack Hussein Obama on Letterman.

9/19/12 – Director of the National Counterterrorism Center Matthew Olsen tells Congress the attack in Libya was “terrorism.”


9/20/12 – Carney reverses course and tries to back up Olsen, says it was “self-evident that what happened in Benghazi was a terrorist attack.”

9/20/12 – Obama refuses to call attack terrorism, citing insufficient information…AFTER, HE CLAIMS, HE SENT MULLENS TO CAPITOL HILL TO MAKE IT CLEAR THAT BENGHAZI WAS A TERRORIST ATTACK.

9/20/12 – In a Univision Forum regarding a question about Benghazi, Obama states, “What we do know is that the natural protests that arose over the video were used by extremists to see if they can also directly harm U.S. interests,” AFTER, HE CLAIMS, HE SENT MULLENS TO CAPITOL HILL TO MAKE IT CLEAR THAT BENGHAZI WAS A TERRORIST ATTACK.

9/21/12 – Secretary of State Clinton, at meeting with Pakistani Foreign Minister, reverses course and  says, “What happened in Benghazi was a terrorist attack.”

9/25/12 – On ABC’s “The View,” Obama says, “we don’t have all of the information yet so we are still gathering,” AFTER, HE CLAIMS, HE SENT MULLENS TO CAPITOL HILL TO MAKE IT CLEAR THAT BENGHAZI WAS A TERRORIST ATTACK.

9/25/12 – To the U.N. assembly, Obama blames “A crude and disgusting video sparked outrage throughout the Muslim world,” AFTER, HE CLAIMS, HE SENT MULLENS TO CAPITOL HILL TO MAKE IT CLEAR THAT BENGHAZI WAS A TERRORIST ATTACK.

9/26/12 – Libya’s Magarief on the “Today” show says, “It was a preplanned act of terrorism directed against American citizens.”

9/26/12 – Published reports show U.S. Intel agencies and the Obama Administration knew within 24 hours that al-Qaeda affiliated terrorist were involved.

9/27/12 – Innocence of Muslims filmmaker Mark Basseley Youseff (aka Nakoula Basseley Nakoula) is arrested and denied bail on the charges of “probation violation,” AFTER, HE CLAIMS, HE SENT MULLENS TO CAPITOL HILL TO MAKE IT CLEAR THAT BENGHAZI WAS A TERRORIST ATTACK.

9/28/12 – Director of National Intelligence James R. Clapper, Jr., issues a statement backing the Obama Administration’s changing story about the Libyan attack. Says facts are evolving, AFTER, HE CLAIMS, HE SENT MULLENS TO CAPITOL HILL TO MAKE IT CLEAR THAT BENGHAZI WAS A TERRORIST ATTACK.

10/2/12 – Carney declines to comment on reported requests from diplomats in Libya for additional security, citing the State Department’s internal investigation, AFTER, HE CLAIMS, HE SENT MULLENS TO CAPITOL HILL TO MAKE IT CLEAR THAT BENGHAZI WAS A TERRORIST ATTACK.

Well…I think we’re getting a pretty damn good idea of exactly how one engineers a COVERUP by LYING about when he made it clear that Benghazi was an act of TERRORISM…Don’t YOU???

Monday, Barack Hussein Obama ALSO claimed, once again, that conservatives are making their pursuit of Benghazi truth POLITICAL.

Claims Obama, “They’ve used it for fund raising…”

He called the investigation into the cover up a “sideshow.”

According to the Dictator on Monday, “If this was some effort on our part to try to downplay what had happened or tamp it down, that would be a pretty odd thing that three days later we end up putting out all the information.”

It’s been 8 months.

If all the information had been put out there after 3 days we wouldn’t be holding hearings to this day and there would be no reason whatsoever for WHISTLE-BLOWERS!!!

I must have missed it when His Loftiness spilled the beans on who decided that the video was the culprit. I must have been cleaning the toilet when His Greatness held a presser identifying who issued the stand down orders. Perhaps I was baking a brie when His Eternal Truthfulness told us exactly what Ambassador Stevens was doing in Benghazi that fateful night.

All the information was out there after 3 days??

Where were WE when His Benevolence told us all who altered the talking points 12 times?

What were we doing that was SO important that we missed His Honesty letting us all in on why OUR security was drawn DOWN in the months leading TO the Benghazi attacks?

I could go on and ON but, suffice it to say that nowhere NEAR all the information has been delivered some 8 months LATER much LESS 3 days after.

The only thing that seems to be “evolving” regarding Benghazi are the LIES being spewed like explosive vomit by this festering, reeking, regime and it’s Dictator.

Somebody get a bucket and a hazmat suit.


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