Obama’s Judicial Pick Today Would Reverse Your Ability to Own a Gun

Gun Owners of America

Today, President Obama took the most significant step in his sordid trail toward transforming our nation.

Obama nominated a virulent anti-gunner to fill the seat of Antonin Scalia on the Supreme Court.  

Let’s be clear:  the U.S. Senate should bury this nomination and write “Dead On Arrival” as its epitaph.

Despite promises to nominate a consensus candidate, Obama has chosen a radical leftist in Judge Merrick Garland:

1) He supported the DC gun ban in 2007, voting to reconsider the Heller case after a three judge panel had ruled against the ban.

Hence, we don’t have to speculate as to how Garland would vote on Heller if confirmed to the Supreme Court — he’s already voted against Heller once before, thereby showing he’d effectively rip the Second Amendment from the Constitution!

2) In a 2000 case, Garland voted to maintain the registration of gun owners, supporting efforts by the Clinton administration to use the instant check to illegally retain gun owners’ names for six months.

This shows that Judge Garland not only hates the Second Amendment, he supports the ability of a President to illegally use executive power to advance liberal causes.


18 thoughts on “Obama’s Judicial Pick Today Would Reverse Your Ability to Own a Gun

    1. Exactly. Guns might be outlawed at some point, but that is not going to stop me from being armed to the teeth for as long as I’m breathing.

      1. Exactly. I am grandfathered. My great great great great great grandfather said f you to tyranny. I will own what I want to own. The end. 🙂

    1. Bingo, JVZ.

      Gun rights organizations (and far too many gun owners) have an annoying habit of forgetting what the Second Amendment is all about. The NRA is especially guilty of this. We’ve all seen the sort of crap they peddle:

      “This election is the most important EVER for the future of the Second Amendment…Hillary Clinton thinks law-abiding gun owners like YOU are potential TERRORISTS…If we don’t stop these anti-gun extremists, you could lose your gun rights FOREVER! That’s why I’m counting on you to join me in fighting…” blah blah blah.

      Really? So all of us will just have to turn in our guns when “commanded” to do so, or because someone passes a law? LOL

  1. Since you’re going to anyway, go right ahead and INFRINGE AWAY.

    It’s not going to get REAL interesting until you get to the TAKE AWAY part, anyhow.

  2. I love headlines like these. The authors fail to understand that I and a large number of Americans don’t recognize the so called authority of the federal criminals. And, we don’t give a good God damn what they say. We speak with force. If they want to employ force and attack us we will return the favor, but, we won’t stop until they are all dead. War is war. Words mean nothing, they know it, we know it. The only people fooled are the fools who continue to prop these prices of shit up by obeying their masters.

  3. “They” will continue to push and push and push until they drive the American Nationals into the proverbial “corner”. All thinking people understand that even a cornered animal will inevitably fight back when there is no alternative, but the globalist slavemasters and their enforcers seem not to comprehend that once they have pushed the American Nationals to that point, ALL BETS ARE OFF!.
    At this point, said free men and women (and a LOT of others who will not submit to slavery and slaughter) will stop backing up and begin RUNNING in the opposite direction at those who are seen as the agents of enslavement. Any of those creatures found in their path at that point will be granted the mercy of a quick death, followed by the INEVITABLE and IMMEDIATE ETERNAL judgement of a Righteous GOD, who will not accept ANY excuses or be fooled by ANY lies.

    Obviously, the temporal death of the body will cease any effort that ANY of us undertake in this present world, but those who have placed their trust in GOD’s Only Son will never end up condemned eternally to the fire of Hell.
    I cannot say the same for the Satan-worshipping globalist devils – their fate is awaiting them most assuredly – and NONE will rescue them from the fire that awaits them.

  4. Settle down people.
    No matter who they put in its not going to stop the juggernaut.
    If felons and career criminals can get guns.
    I can get guns.
    In fact… I think El Chapo has a 50 .cal for sale right now.

  5. Let this bastard try (though Scalia’s murder was only partly about taking away our guns…secret societies pull this crap all the time…dead men tell no tales.)

    I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: IF the criminal psychopathic elites are that stupid to try to force us to give up our guns, then they are toast, with or without ropes (I still say send ’em to Antarctica, and shoot ’em if they try to eat penguins.).

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