Official Gov’t Documents: Fukushima to endanger North Pacific marine ecosystem and health of human beings? “Very important to monitor radiation exposure level and assess effects of radioactive substances”

ENE News

2013 Report of Study Group on Radionuclide Science in the North Pacific Ocean (PICES, an intergovernmental scientific organization made up of Canada, China, Japan, Korea, Russia, and the U.S.): […] Chairman Dr. Zhang […] pointed out that the widespread application of nuclear science and technology and a recent nuclear power plant accident [Fukushima Daiichi] had led to increasing amounts of radionuclides released into the North Pacific. In addition, the long half-life radionuclides could potentially endanger the marine ecosystem, including human health through food chain exposures. Consequently, it is important to monitor the radiation exposure level and assess the effects of radioactive substances on marine ecosystems in the North Pacific waters.  

2012 Proposal to Establish a Study Group on Radionuclide Science in the North Pacific Ocean (PICES, an intergovernmental scientific organization made up of Canada, China, Japan, Korea, Russia, and the U.S.): […] A large amount of radioactive contaminant was released into the North Pacific from a recent nuclear accident, and the long half-life radionuclides will stay in the marine environment for a long time and possibly endanger the marine ecosystem or human-being health through food chains. Thus it is very important to monitor the radiation exposure level and assess the effects of radioactive substances on marine ecosystem in the North Pacific waters […]

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