It’s Official! Pope Francis reveals plans for “One World Religion” (2016)

Published on Jan 7, 2016

January 6th, 2016 – The Vatican published a video of the pope uniting the religions of the world. There is a great deception coming upon the earth in the form of a false love, light and unity.

‘For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.’ 1 Thess 5 v 3

Original (The Vatican) –…

12 thoughts on “It’s Official! Pope Francis reveals plans for “One World Religion” (2016)

  1. MT 10;34Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.

  2. The pope was taking a dump one day.

    Butt he ran out of holy toilet paper.

    He prayed for a miracle.

    And all of a sudden.

    Satan and Jesus showed up.

    Satan..said ..I have a roll of 20’s you can use with a lifetime guarantee of no papercuts.

    Jesus said I have a roll of 1’s with the same guarantee…and the 19 dollars this guy is trying to rip off from you goes to a bank in a trust fund for humanity.

    The pope..sighed..oh my god…
    Of all the places to make a decision like this.

    The..pope said…ok…I’ll take the 1’s.

    Satan yelled at the..pope…

    Hey man…what the hell are u doing..?

    The pope replied…unlike you…

    19 dollars goes to the bank.

    And now I know…Jesus saves.

  3. Gee… only saw THIS coming… for MOST of my life.

    Believe it or not, I was an altar boy at one time, had to learn a dead language and all that.

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