December 9, 2020

America, and most of the world, is a sad pathetic joke of dissident e-begging whores. Most are in the direct and in-direct employ of their local probation officer (drugs and kiddie porn charges) & Dynology private Army Intelligence “data analytics crisis actor” employment contract.

Nothing else can explain a “dissident” world of online hero’s, who – despite being told again and again in documentaries and news articles – the internet data analytics have everyone running in circles. No productive political 3D consequences come from online activities except those state approved mass movements we see on the street today – AntiFa and the gay Stone Proud Boys.

The Clown Show continues to insist clicking links and noting view counts will save the planet from complete techno tyranny. There is always some idiot political movement where you hand over money to the online hero of the day for the latest LLC Trust money collection effort to save the world – which never goes anywhere…any time. Psyche Warfare officer Robert David STEELE comes to mind. Common garden scam artist fraudster Brian ROSE comes to mind. Bi-sexual “anal coke smuggling fraudster” illegal Mexican passport seller Mexican prostitute runner land deal scammer Anarchopulco scum bag “The Dollar Vigilante” (Jeff BERWICK) comes to mind – and his good buddy John “Federalie Rat” McAfee.

It’s an endless parade of joke, self evident Nigerian Scammer personalities who jumped on the money train to “take on Israel” be play “Pro Pal” freedom warrior saving you from the evil “Globalists”. Note I have omitted sociopath narscissist David ICKE from the list. Mental illness and a serious personality disorder makes a strong plea in mitigation from “common fraudster”. Remember when at a anti vaccine rally he took the stage and told you how wonderful he was…and that he was right…and no one was laughing at him now? Because, like Bi Bi, it’s all about him and the $180,000 pounds per show he gross’s per 6000 person appearance. The fact that David ICKE has received ENDLESS, *generous world wide publicity*, building him to the point of his own economic freedom to run his own servers along with Alex JONES…seems to escape the average dumb peasant clueless retard.

Alex JONES makes (in his pocket), at least $40,000+ USD per WEEK. He turns over $30-$50 million a month and those are 4 year old figures from his divorce settlement. Alex JONES encourages people to “wake up” and “bull horn the White House!”

*And here is “Zan”. A man in his late 70’s in 2006, doing what NONE of these VILE, joke, viper scum could ever possibly ever think of doing with a piece of cardboard and a pleasant attitude, educating the Californian Jewish community.*

This could be done at Military Bases. Out the front of senator and congress people’s electorate offices. Out the front of FBI Field Headquarters with banners and flyers. Out the front of the National Prayer Network, the Centre For National Policy. But no…Zan is dead, so is Bill Cooper and Ezra Pound and Eustace Mullins and any semblance of American grass roots political action outside a Kissinger and Soros funded scam.

The White Nationalist movement is a movement of drug dealers and kiddie fiddlers on probation. Metro sexual closet deviate Proud Boys comparing tattoos. Clueless scum who cannot operate independently without joining a group. Mike Delaney, a “real” white nationalist of note, retired post 2008 after “Missing Links” and the bus tour, and now produces little aryan princes and princesses in the pure white comforting snow of Idaho. You can hate his ethical and moral compass and his specific politics – but he was a man. They’re all pussy retards now taking selfies with their new tatts.

If this is “The Republic”, then old school Soviet “active measures” have worked their magic and The Republic is dead, NFR – Not For Resus – and they’re cloning monkeys that glow in the dark, not Patton, MacArthur and Eisenhower.

And YOU allowed this to happen by being groupies instead of critical analysts. Tell them ALL…get out on the street, lead by example…or NO MONEY.


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